• 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 24th, 2021


  • Because it’s a wall of text trying to justify why we’re all struggling, and I think people are just done trying to engage with such “galaxy brained” theories that are completely removed from our lived realities. Especially when people probably have better things to do than some point-counterpoint internet argument.

    Not to mention, this “sound theory” is just that: a theory. Frankly, all of economics is entirely made up! That’s not to say it’s not a valuable and important study, but it’s also not based on any natural laws. It’s an entirely human construct and something we don’t fully understand. ANY economic theory can be torn apart in thousands of ways by adjusting the models a bit. In the west we’ve been fed the theories from Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan for longer than most of us have been alive, and it seems like those theories are falling apart around us! I think a lot of people are seeing that when GDP goes up and “the markets” go up, we don’t get anything. But when “the markets” go down, we have to immediately shoulder the burden. We see our hard work being absorbed by investors seeking their ROI. We see our loyalty repaid by mass layoffs so executives and investors can earn even higher profits.

    So when someone tries to justify it all using the same theories and models that seem to be causing the problem, I don’t blame people for just down voting and moving on.

    We’re tired of being trickled down on and it’s time for a new theory.

  • It’s not actually open source (yet), and some AI bullshit. Hard nope from me.

    I really don’t get it though. Most of the time I run the same few command. cd and ls a bunch, SSH to some servers, docker-compose up, invoke a build script, pacman -Syyu, and the occasional grep. Maybe I’ll curl if I’m feeling feisty.

    For the times I do need to do something more complicated, I guess chatgpt might help, but I don’t need it fully integrated into an always online terminal that I have to log into and pay for.