It’s a money/culture thing, not a religion thing.
Yeah, Christians exist who say climate change isn’t real because only God can control climate. Christians also exist who believe God said to be a good steward of the Earth and take care of it.
Most of the conservatives who don’t think climate change is real don’t believe that for religious reasons. They overall tend to think that climate change is an overblown concern that’s a trojan horse justification for letting the government regulate more things.
That’s basically it.
They think “scientists promoting climate change studies come largely from elite universities, which by far tend to be very left-leaning, and left leaning folks support more government control over our lives (especially business things), so this is just a conspiracy to justify the government taking more of our money away through taxes and regulations.”
While I’m sure there are some evangelicals who believe climate change is 100% real but they think it’s also good because it’ll mean Jesus returns sooner…by far very few evangelicals actually are of that mindset, lol.
Most just adopt the Republican narrative that climate change is fake and an excuse to regulate the economy more.
It’s about money, not religion, for 99% of deniers.