Frankfurt School is a kind of Classwar asset Psy Op to remove Material Analysis from the Theory …
Frankfurt School is a kind of Classwar asset Psy Op to remove Material Analysis from the Theory …
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maybe we are Subreddit that was banned from reddit Because its oppinions are deemed “Dangerous” the Status Quo and the Class of People that profit from the Status Quo. ( The Oligarchy , the Passiv income classes) Maybe the History of Hexbear is actually if you look at it , the answer to all your questions
Maybe Propaganda actually happens and Happend to You ! if you are iritated by hearing Pro China opinions ? How is this not a Testment of your Isolation … You have actually a great fucking opportunity on your hands , you can Learn …
You are on a good way ,
accept us as the new Cultural Hegemony …
Its not like you didnt have a Cultural Hegemony Before, so you know the play
It was China bad , its China good now!
pretty fucking easy …
we care so much we checked the claim ! its bullshit
Na , the NPC is then a “NPC” if he can not process new information , thereby he lays on the Floor repeating the same old “Offical Narrative” , like he was Programmed to… therefore NPC
here can you process this new information ? This is a Test , Are you somebody that repeats or are you somebody that thinks … here @[email protected] ,… you can now Test yourself , Bladerunner… , NPCs can not Process Images , can you ?
this is why we support Russia (Donbass to be Precise ) , this is also why Propagnda does not only happens to “other people” Mr. @[email protected]
why was it always succesfull then , even under constant brutal active or economic assault from the Imperialsit core ? Speaking of , where was capitalism succesfull ?
Can the Sahel Zone block the French ?
trust me i know everything about them ,( exept their actuall name … )
draft is precisly because of that necessary , its put a general price on “Imperial adventure” while proffessional army will recruit itself from the lower classes and can be spend easly (they choose soo ) , its a bad as its forces the underprivledge to die for an empire whos fruits the privledge eat , while avoiding the blood…
Do you repeat something you heard there or can you in detail describe how the worlds greates manufacturing Hub is a economy build on Cards…
no the religion is actually the instrument to limit & forbid the Usury , Time is Gods realm thereby enslaving Time is Satans work (check out “the Pillars of Islam” ) Jesus wanted to also fight the Landholder & Creditor Classes and agitatoed for the Debt Cancelation (the Tabula Rasa , the Clean Slate , the Debt Jubilee ) , like they where demanded by the Scripture , the Creditor and Landholderclasses thereby had their Powerbase threatend by this Social Revolutionary & killed him. But his Message of “Debt Cancelation” they could not put back into the Box , thereby they twisted it… Concret Debt became “Sin” and Jesus then suddenly “Died for our Sins” , removing christianity from its social revolutionary BASE function and putting all it into the Afterlife (Superstrutuctre)
. Not the Jews Killed Jesus , the “Landholder and Creditor Classes killed jesus” , thats why “class awareness” is soooo fucking key , if one does not have Class awareness , he will instead use “Peoplegroups” (Jews , Russians , Angloids) in his Mental Framing , bringing hate upon them (antisemitism good example) instead of the Parasitic Classes… The "Landholder Classes " killed him , then castrated his message until the Religion became a instrument in service of their power…
Religion does thereby not match accutly the Definition of Scam , Islam protects specificly from this Scam , but the Landholder Christianity ,you know of , really is a scam. Obviously Religion will always serve the status quo Powerstructures … but there are diffrences …
also like every other Iraq war Opponents , Vietnam war opponents, Imperialism Opponents ,Julian Assage loyalist etc… dont forget them !
Do you accept “Dissent” at all ? and are you Capable of Processing new information ?
this is REALLY Taiwans Air identification Zone . it is NOT the Taiwanese Airspace , this is a Factuall basis. Please Just Process this new Information , the Article is really missleading , the babycrying will stop after a while , trust me . You are really wrong and most people can comprehend that after a while.
a death sqaud in a banana republic … psychic evaluation in a civilisation ?
Interest and Rent.
Passiv income in general ,as it obviously constituts itself from other Peoples Active Income , its per definition a scam…
*“Because you once where in need and i lended you some coin , you now have to pay me back a expotentially rising amount of Coin ! its rate of rising is not messured on your harvest or the amount of offspring of your Herd but on Time going forward ! Because it surely will ! , If you Cant you will fall in Debt-Slavery to me. I am a Risktaker . you take the Risk . I Take . Always .” *
they sold you for absolute Fools , Folks !
(PS: Muslims not included)
“Democracy” Oligarchies most succesfull Psy Ops , Defend it , Think about all the Ressources longing for Freedom of Travel !