If people were payed more most of those problems would evaporate. There used to be a middle class in this country that made enough money to justify dealing with their boss’s bullshit expectations. Now everyone is getting the bare minimum and management wonders why they’re getting minimum effort. If you want people to have a better work ethic it has to be worth it for them. Dangle a fuckin carrot once in a while, you know?
Oh it’s even better than that. They’re referencing a direct quote from trump.
Emulators are where it’s at on Android, at least for me. There’s a handful of good native android games but you can play so so many fantastic old games using emulators.
Here’s a thorough guide on setting it up:
And a link for ROMS collections:
It seems like a lot to take in just to play some games but I promise it’s easier than it looks to get up and running.
Idk, they look a little bitey
Don’t fret, that’s just SCP-682. They’re buddies.
Damn. I know you love him but your dad sounds like a dick.
Gary Larson’s The Abyss
Anyone else remember playing as Bill Clinton in NBA Jam?
“Fuck them kids”
Plato is gonna be fuckin pissed
They supposedly found his backpack and it had a bunch of monopoly money in it lmao
Fuck no lmao, I guess I put that poorly. They banned me from commenting real quick because I was calling everyone on their bullshit. Then it was reporting me for reporting them too much 🙄
Lol, almost had the same happen to me but it was that stupid anti-vax sub.
Corporate greed puts me off.
Do you think its Iron Skin is time-based or should I just mod for ability strength?
I’m willing to bet she’d much rather be above ground.