breaking news music
“Preliminary reports today indicate that the White House is moving to declare Mexico a terrorist narco-state, with threats to invade and restore democracy.”
breaking news music
“Preliminary reports today indicate that the White House is moving to declare Mexico a terrorist narco-state, with threats to invade and restore democracy.”
Neat. Any Ernest or all home movies?
My pleasure, and I’m glad to hear you’ve found greener pastures.
This is exactly the kind of problem I’m talking about, the metric is absurd. 1.02 seconds/item is a level of efficiency seldom seen outside of robots, applying it to human beings is sadistic, especially considering the consequences for failure. I’m convinced that these sorts of setups have been contrived to establish leverage against workers early on as a means to hold their “already coached/this is your last strike” status over their heads for the entirety of their employment.
I don’t envy Amazon workers that predicament, but it sounds as though you’ve found something different and hopefully better?
The type of man who doesn’t regret using his waistband as a holster even after blowing one of his nuts off. Unbelievable.
Spoiler alert:
Trip gets wrist nips from alien sex rocks again.
stands up with popcorn crunching SFX from knees
That’s good to know, then. Here’s to hoping they don’t bother, the last thing we need is another opaque, dystopian tech feature.
Same. The multiplayer was next-level too, possibly some of the most fun I’ve ever played. CTF with Wizards and Fighters was so ridiculous.
Same old trick in a new venue. This has been happening for a long time in Asian warehousing, but has hopped the pond this last decade or so. Worker’s efficiency is set to a certain rate of efficiency, then they’re reprimanded/fired for failing to meet it. The catch is that it’s a challenging pace to begin with, and the window for successful completion almost-imperceptibly narrows, eventually becoming so ludicrously small that they must injure or maim themselves trying to beat it or even match the pace. Once they quit or cripple themselves, the company simply slides in a new candidate who doesn’t yet understand just how Hellacious the work is.
fwooooooooooooooooooooooooooim SFX
It was the trite expressions that got blanketed after gaining popularity for me. Lookin’ at you, “fuck around find out/FAFO” 🙄
Mod impunity, brigading, bots, reposts, repost bots, banning of 3rd-party apps, abuse of suicide prevention system by bad actors. Aside from the forum-specific culture, the site’s frequent failure to upload/post comments, which sometimes resulted in 100% loss of more detailed responses, was incredibly disappointing (I’m still Ctr-C’ing all comments everywhere as a force of habit to guarantee it won’t happen 5+ times/day).
Is there risk of a sort of arms race wherein services will update and decline to render services to those who block said blacklisted ad domains, or has that already happened?
Beautiful, I like the sounds of that.
“What this show needs is more Operations Chiefs who built ships in bottles as boys, and can sling some daerts. I’m counting on you, Meaney.” -Berman probably
I still haven’t beaten The Wizard of Yendor, don’t even talk to me about Dwarf Fortress hahah
launches Baldur’s Gate.exe ♪♫ “Brave, brave Sir Garrick, Sir Garrick led the way. Brave, brave Sir Garrick, Sir Garrick ran away.” ♪♫
OK, this one kind of hurt a bit. I can’t be the only one with a functioning VCR in the room with them right now…
Thread locked in 3… 2… 1…