Flash mob protests for 5-10 minutes then meet at a new location for the next one.
Cops can’t be everywhere and agent provocateurs would have to be on the inside.
Damn, ya beat me. I’m not good people to so I know from first hand experience.
All drugs should be legal
To be exploited in the same way in a different location.
I can only handle several crisises at one time. Please take a number and have a seat, I will get to this when I can.
Appreciate the 5 star rating m’dude, but consider waiting until this Lyft ride is over considering I could be going somewhere you didn’t want to go.
Please don’t fuck a computer
Huge half life fan here.
I would wait to emulate that shit.
If only AOC stopped playing nice with the rail corporation and didn’t vote to prevent a union strike.
It charges for state tax returns
Because the internet exists and you’d be blasting it right now if you could.
Have more alternatives in the voting booth by passing state level electoral reform! Then people could vote for who they want and still have their vote count against the Republicans.
Who could possibly say no to having more then one chance to beat the Republicans?
I think you replied to the wrong comment m’dude.
What primary?
Stop framing this like this is on the people who didn’t want the genocide to happen. It’s such a weird victory lap I see people here taking. Without fail.
Our blue conservative “allies” want nothing to do with representing any of us. That’s why the way forward is pushing for electoral reform so the democrats will be forced to actually compete for our vote.
I get the feeling dems are so frail and fragile from using First-past-the-post voting as a crutch for so long that they wouldn’t be able to compete. They certainly can’t compete with the circus that is the republican party.
Fucking embarrassing.
Democrats know keeping 3rd parties from participating is a existential struggle for them. They are clearly willing to sacrifice the USA over giving up this hostage scenario.
Both sides aren’t exactly the same, but why don’t you want more differences?
Sides could be irrelevant of we replaced First-past-the-post voting with a more representative electoral system. The solution is more democracy, not gleefully telling people they have no choice but to vote for your preference.
First Past The Post voting (What most states use now)
Videos on alternative electoral systems we can try out.
I find conversation more natural when there is a “thing” we are all doing. Playing cards, bowling, pool, darts, singing kareoke whatever. That way if I start to feel awkward in the conversation I can steer it towards what we’re doing and give myself a small talk break.
I start to take 5 psychic damage a second when I’m talking to other people so I need time to regen my HP.