Well their quota was bust if no one was drunk driving. They would have to work harder.
Well their quota was bust if no one was drunk driving. They would have to work harder.
So an old dementia patient can be president but not a young active person who will also be affected by her decisions in the future, is too young ? You can go fight in a war at 18 but not president? WTF !
You will put an old relic in power who will not care about the long future since they won’t be there !
I am not an American, (I’m Canadian) I don’t know Tim at all. I heard AOC before and wonder why she is not your president yet lol she’s so great. But this little clip makes ne feel like Tim is a great dude. I wonder why the orange turd and his crazy running mate have any chances at all in the election !
Like you have the choice between some crazy criminals and some good people and it’s a tight race ? I don’t get it.
They already don’t pay taxes anyways, so pay up or leave is perfectly ok but remember to pay you sales tax when you sell your mansions and cottages.
Those people are not the right color for him so he will gladly throw them out.
The problem with that is that vulnerability will be found and used. Since it’s connected to the internet it will be exposed to attackers and could be infected with botnet viruses/tools and used to attack other computer/services.
My friends high end sony system with square speakers (yeah I’m old) kept poping the speaker coils out of their sockets at 70% power. His 600$ sony dvd player would not play burned DVDs. My Phillips amp would power my realistic home made speakers up to 100% and they could still take a lot more (200W RMS amp and 275W designed speakers) and my weird named 65$ DVD would even play DIVX movies on burned DVDs. Fuck Sony.
If I open a store in my town and start selling fake crap I can’t go and say “sorry not my fault I’m just a reseller you need to deal with the guy who sold it to me” I will be brought to court and loose why is Amazon allowed to sell fakes and non UL complient equipment?
No never created an account wit IRS or DMV as I am not American. And fir all the bit leaks that happened recently I for sure don’t want a company in charge of verifying people ID.
Age restriction on cigarettes and alcohol is not for kids that are not parented but to prevent companies abusing kids to make more profit wich is why I say selling of internet connected devices and internet connection should be done to adults only. But don’t force me to give companies all my personal data.
That is a whole other problem, kids need to have a tutor, mabe instead of putting money on business that will leak our data just to put fake barriers on a site we should put that money into helping the kids that are left to their own devices.
Just dont give internet connected devices to kids and your problems are solved. I would agree with company being forced to verify the age of a person before signing a internet contract. Don’t give open access to internet to kids it’s just like sending them anywhere in the world alone.
Your argument does not make sense. I defend my kid from school shooting by not living in the States. Don’t give guns to deranged people and most of your problems with school shooting is solved.
I do not have to give my ID when I walk around a school.
Letting a kid roam on the internet is more like giving them blank plane tickets than sending them to school.
Would you give your kids blank plane tickets for them to go anywhere in the world alone ?
I guess not, then don’t give them a internet connected device without surveillance. It’s YOUR responsibility to keep YOUR kids safe not mine. I don’t want to be forced to give MY ID online for YOUR kids to be loose on the internet as much as I don’t want to see your kids roaming alone anywhere they feel like.
No I don’t think we should give corpos access to even more identifying info about us. You have a kid YOU have the responytobtake care of them not me. If you believe a kid should be able to go on the internet without proper surveillance it’s on you if something happens to that kid not me. I would not give my kids a blank plane ticket to go anywhere they want in the world without surveillance, it’s the same for the internet. It’s not my responsibility to secure your kid it’s yours.
What’s fumny to me is I remember watching a computer show on TV in late 90s they where interviewing an Adobe representative about the new Photoshop 5.0…
The TV host asked what adobe though about pirated copies and the representative said on LIVE TV that Photoshop price was for professional who make a living out of Photoshop and that any hobbyist had nothing to fear about using a pirated copy as it only served to get more people knowledgable about Photoshop and if these started doing business in photography and neede Photoshop they would then pay for it so to not be unprofessional.
This is sooooooo funny 🤣
On a Friday !
And hope you are not using BitLocker cause then you are screwed since BitLocker is tied to CS.
He learned that he was going to hell since he loved boys’ I guess.