I don’t think so. The writing of Taash was so bad and uncomfortable for the most part that I genuinely didn’t know if they were trying to mock trans-people with this representation
I disagree. The writing of Taash, while basic, has a lot in common with folks early in discovering their trans identity. Yeah, it is awkward and uncomfortable. Guess what, self introspection often is. I would say with Taash we see a lot of what would be internal struggles being vocalized. The good news is that Taash isn’t the only character you can interact with.
Breaking with an established formula can be a big detriment to a franchise.
Of course it can, but it doesn’t solely make it a bad game.
Veilguard, on the other hand, doesn’t get better. It just stays bad and even confusing at times.
I disagree. I really like the gameplay. It gets better almost immediately after the tutorial, though the tutorial is a little long for my taste.
All time peak on steam is 90k - that’s horrendous. Obviously, that’s not the total sales and it’s also sold on other platforms, so we do not know the real number. However,the game went on discount not even 2 months after release, and a pretty hefty one at that, 35% I think.
Yeah, again, I don’t think the numbers are great, but 90k on 1 of 4 or 5 big platforms isn’t dismal. And the discount could be telling, but (I just looked it up) it was around 29%, which is still $50. Part of that could be backlash to the $70 AAA price tag. All that being said, all of this is speculation without numbers being released from EA
It might just be that Taash isn’t the companion for you. I did not find them unlikable, just incredibly direct.
I found an article from about 3 or 4 weeks after release, so clearly the price dripped a couple times. And agreed, it is a bad sign for sales