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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2023

  • See what you can get by putting some subtle feelers out. Talk to a recruiter or two. Best time to search for a job is while you have one, but you don’t have to commit to it full time unless shit really hits the fan. You’re more likely to get written up than fired initially anyway if he’s not the owner, erratic or not he has to answer for that.

    Continue working towards whatever certifications you want in the meantime, especially if the job pays/reimburses you for it.

  • Your favorite of all of them? Really? I’m honestly curious because I found it pretty terrible, in the vein of crystal skull more than the OGs. In my view it was all over the place, didn’t tell a cohesive story, and dragged on for at least 45 minutes longer than it should’ve. I’m having trouble even recalling what the movie was even about and it’s only been a couple months.

  • This is plausible. That or it’s just a really cheap policy - no windstorm/hail damage is very much NOT normal for homeowners though, even so.

    The rest of this is pretty standard stuff and the fact that people seem angry/surprised by it speaks volumes to how little attention they’ve paid to their own policies. Read your paperwork y’all. It’s tedious, but you are also party to the insurance contract that you’re paying for. It can also help you find grey areas of coverage, and a grey area (ambiguous language) tends to work out well for the insured party (you, if you have insurance).

  • This is a super weird hill to die on imo. Obviously, Heavenly is at fault here, but choosing to rely solely on others by not bringing your cell is also a decision that she made that worked out poorly.

    Sure, you can break your phone falling, but I’d much rather risk a broken phone than being stuck somewhere without it, or getting lost off piste or something and only having my voice to call for help.

    You claim “LOTS” of people don’t bring theirs, but I’d guess that’s still a tiny minority of people on the mountain overall. I tend to get over 20 days a year and go with a pretty sizeable crew, literally no one leaves their phone in the car because then you can’t find anyone if you get separated, you can’t listen to music, you can’t take sweet pics/vids, you can’t call ski patrol if you or someone with you gets hurt (obviously you can still go find them but calling is faster if you have service).

  • I used to think this way, till I actually learned a little bit on how to dance and then how to let go. Don’t wanna look like a fool? Learn to two step first, then pick up something simple if you can. Do the “instructions” dances like the electric slide and the hustle. Then learn to use your hips.

    Learning to let go was harder, but I found it easier to embrace silliness. I decided I could look dumb on accident or on purpose, and decided on the latter, so did “sweet moves” that would make people laugh - throwing in old disco moves and such (the bus driver).

    Then something happened I didn’t expect: I actually got decent at dancing. Turns out getting out of your own head is a great way to get loose, and suddenly you’re doing your thing and enjoying it, and you’re willing to try out other moves that actually do look like you might know something.

    Point is, dancing is for everyone, just gotta find the right headspace (and the right music, it’s still hard for anyone to dance to music they don’t enjoy imo).

  • Hi, anti-Zionist here - feel free to scratch deeply bc that’s a pretty terrible take. Israeli people from my experience have been generally nice, and I don’t hate anyone based on their race or religion (though I generally do not like organized religion for a wide variety of reasons). Israel has a right to exist, it doesn’t have a right to wantonly crush Palestinian people under it’s boot and that’s all it’s doing at this point, along with attempting to hide and/or discredit any criticism of their part in this (had Netanyahu and his cronies not funded even more extremists in Hamas or taken the threat of an attack seriously, this all likely wouldn’t have happened). Or do you really accept as accidental that they’ve killed more journalists per day than almost any major conflict?