aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]

I don’t know what this is

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Much more of these cursed alliances will happen in future unless the left and/or socially progressive forces in the west develop a coherent anti imperialist stance. As in anti NATO, anti IMF, anti World Bank. Traditional left wing positions based on global historical materialism.

    Until that happens, the right wing and/or social conservatives, like the AfD here, will steal their lunch from them and form these kind of alliances. The primary contradiction globally is the disparity of living standards and wealth between the west/imperial core/triad, and the third world/global south, orchestrated by modern day imperialism and neocolonialism. Countries in the global south are prepared to work with anyone willing to end that, or at least show some support for ending it.

    In short, the left in the west needs to get it’s stuff together, actually practice internationalism, and actually practice anti imperialism instead of selling out to the biggest institutions of modern day imperialism on the planet, such as NATO. If the left does not do this, alliances like this will continue to happen as the right occupies, or pretends to occupy, a space the left should be occupying.

  • Negotiations? It’s clear after the attempt at a “counter offensive” that Ukraine do not have the ability to gain any significant territory, and they are just throwing lives and equipment into a void of mines and trenches. And Ukraine is not going to gain the ability to break though these fortifications anytime soon, I cannot see western nations giving Ukraine the weaponry required (an air force is the main missing component needed for NATO style combined arms tactics to function).

    Unless Ukraine can find a way to convince western nations to give them the equipment required to make breakthroughs (very unlikely), they are stuck in an attrition war with Russia. And I don’t see any path to victory in an attrition war against Russia. The article we are commenting on is one of the major reasons why, they’re having to fire people just to get more conscripts. At that point, negotiation is the best possible outcome.

  • That’s not a good sign for Ukraine in what is an attrition war. Even their own military is making plans to smuggle their men out if the country because they don’t want to send them to the death trap that is the heavily reinforced WW1 like frontlines. And Zelensky’s response is just to fire and try replace the people doing that, instead of looking as to why that is happening. If the counter offensive tactics are so dire that your own military is doing corruption to avoid sending men to the front, maybe that needs reassessment.

    Zelenskiy said a state investigation into centres across Ukraine had exposed abuses by officials ranging from illegal enrichment to transporting draft-eligible men across the border despite a wartime ban on them leaving the country.

  • Wild self admission that you consider “left wing Maga” to simply be people that do not share the same geopolitical outlook as mainstream western opinions.

    You know that there are plenty of people globally, including centrists and even right wingers, that do not share the same ideology as western countries on geopolitics? Are they all “left wing Maga” now? Is any country in Africa that prefers to align with China over the USA “left wing Maga”? Are the people of Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali “left wing Maga”? Are the majority of global citizens outside of the west “left wing Maga”?

    This is just an extremely childish opinion to hold.