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Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • It sucks, but there is a lot of precedent in the US for “you are allowed to be as stupid with your money as you want, as long as you’re sane.”

    He may have delusions around his religion or beliefs, but he has the rights to have those delusions and beliefs, and if he wants to place bets on his beliefs because he holds them that strongly then he can. If someone else spots him as a mark and takes advantage of him, sure it was dumb of him, and they may not be in the cleanest moral area, but that’s America, learn your lesson and move on.

    You go to New York and some guy sells you a newspaper that helps raise money for charity and the homeless for $5 and you believe him then find out it’s a free paper all over the city, that’s life.

    We can protect you when you don’t know any better, but when you bet everyone in the room that you can fly and you can’t? That’s a hard bet to make buddy, and a harder bill to pay.

  • I mean to an extent, it is a self fulfilling prophecy. Whether or not it’s the case, it’s often felt my men that they have to be the breadwinner, or at least the point of strength. They can have people around them that tell them otherwise, but if they don’t feel like they measure up then that’s what it will be.

    People don’t often just commit suicide because they’re like “I guess this is how the math works out”, they felt, or were told, or told themselves, that things can only be better if they’re gone. In every case, they won’t be, but that’s where their mental journey led them

  • Not to belittle it on either side but I do wonder what causes that disparity. Is it that men plan it more thoroughly or have access to more dangerous methods? Do women choose methods that, unintentional or not, can be backed out of more easily? Are women more likely to report a failed attempt than men? If that 2-3x factor is true, then why don’t we see similar numbers of idk completion? I hesitate to say success because it is very much not a success to commit suicide, there are always other options, even if they’re not perfect.

  • It’s not about being accomplished for most of them anymore. It’s about not letting go of their power. They won’t admit to themselves that they’re old or the world has changed. They grip desperately to their seat and their power because they “can still do it”, and they “know what’s best”.

    People who have had a senile friend or family member have seen similar stuff plenty of times. Older adults who can’t even close their hands all the way or remember that they dont have shoes on will argue and fight, sometimes violently, that they can still do something. For example, still cook with an open flame despite catching their house on fire three separate times. Or that they can still drive despite not seeing past their fingertips and not knowing what city they’re in.

    There is a thing called aging gracefully that involves accepting the difficulties of getting older and passing the torch, and clearly a large number of politicians are having a serious problem with it.

  • After reading all the comments about wanting his life to be over and the counters about feeling bad for him etc. I think ive come to a conclusion on how to ethically handle him.

    I’m going to laugh. I’m going to laugh at how foolish he looks having a stroke on stage. How despite all of the terrible things he has done to this country on a socio-economic level trying to line his pockets and stay in power, he is standing up there, feeble and barely coherent, looking like he simultaneously shat himself and forgot his name, I’m going to laugh.

    Because if he wants any semblance of dignity, any ounce of respect, he needs to admit that he is done and bow out.

    “But he is still human, have some empathy” No, why should I? This man has engineered tearing the country apart so he can put his grubby hands all over it and smear it in his own grease. And he is still trying to keep doing it!

    What I see up there is an old man trying to walk across the freeway, with a dozen people telling him not to. And he is not only ignoring them but lifting his nose high and walking out into the road anyway. So when I see that mack truck hit him like it did on that stage, I laugh.