eV (sponsored by Ampel)
eV (sponsored by Ampel)
Truly another day, another banger
Die sollen mal ihre Arbeit machen und die Verfassung schützen!
Bold of you to assume you weren’t before.
This clearly is an AI agent!
You can’t fail at anything if your goals aren’t clearly stated.
I’m so sick of these AI slop-hype-angst articles.
Remember when people freaked out about deepseek collecting so much sensitive user data?
EU: So US tech-companies will comply with regulations if threatened with market lock-out? 👀
Things are moving much faster than anyone would have thought possible and violence, real physical violence is an unavoidable property of any fascist regime.
I would kindly ask you to speak for yourself. Leftists and historians have warned about the fascist tendencies of Trump and the Republican Party for years. We know from history how fast things move once fascists start seizing actual power (as opposed to just cultural power/media hegemony). It’s okay to be surprised, it’s okay to admit you did not expect this, as corporate media and the center-right Democrat establishment has largely been downplaying the seriousness of your situation. But please don’t erase all the voices that have been warning you about this, as they are also the ones you should listen to more if you want to resist fascism.
The way I see it, the Democrats have to open up to leftists and progressives and abandon their bipartisan centrism bs. You need another FDR and an associated narrative to stomp out fascism. You need a proper alliance of the center and the left, which requires the Democrats to get their sh** together and actually start resisting. Walz is doing great btw if you want an example of what left-moderate Democrats should be doing rn.
Here’s one of my favorite quotes from Erich Kästner (1899-1974), a german pacifist and staunch opponent of the nazi-regime, whose books were burned by the nazis, outlining his lessons from that horrible time in history:
Die Ereignisse von 1933 bis 1945 hätten spätestens 1928 bekämpft werden müssen. Später war es zu spät. Man darf nicht warten, bis der Freiheitskampf Landesverrat genannt wird. Man darf nicht warten, bis aus dem Schneeball eine Lawine geworden ist. Man muss den rollenden Schneeball zertreten. Die Lawine hält keiner mehr auf. Sie ruht erst, wenn sie alles unter sich begraben hat. Das ist die Lehre, das ist das Fazit dessen, was uns 1933 widerfuhr. Das ist der Schluss, den wir aus unseren Erfahrungen ziehen müssen, und es ist der Schluss meiner Rede. Drohende Diktaturen lassen sich nur bekämpfen, ehe sie die Macht übernommen haben.
My attempt at translation (German to English is kind of weird if you want to keep the sentence structure close to the original text):
We should have put all our efforts into fighting the nazi regime [1933-1945 was the time of the nazi dictatorship] no later than 1928, any time later would have been too late. We can not and must not wait until resistance is treated as sedition. We must not wait until the snowball [of fascism] has become an avalanche. We must stomp on/crush the snowball before it can become an avalanche. Once it has become an avalanche there is no stopping it [fascism]. It [the avalanche] will only come to rest once it has buried us all. This is the lesson we should learn from the events of 1933. This is the crux of what our experiences [what we have lived through] have taught us and I hereby conclude my speech. Imminent dictatorships can only be fought before they have seized power.
I a civilised society, this sort of business would be outlawed
In Germany “du hs” is considered an insult and I think that’s beautiful.
Using children as human shields!!!
Please don’t downvote this guy for raising a sincere (and imo interesting) question.
To help you answer your question: If one perceives other human beings as their equal, as individuals with inherent worth and dignity, how can one possibly justify depriving said individuals of basic necessities such as food or shelter if they refuse to be exploited for their labour (1)? How does one justify the inherently authoritarian nature of almost all workplace hierarchies which people are forced to accept by denying them the things they need to live in an economy that could meet everyone’s needs (2). How does one justify the brutal exploitation of people in the global south (slave labour, child labour, working people to the point of permanent sickness and an early death) and the pollution and destruction of the environment we, our children and all the other lifeforms on planet earth have to live in?
You’ll have to answer those questions for yourself, I’m sadly no mind reader for the capitalist class. I personally believe it is a mix of willful ignorance (see effective altruism/billionaire philantropy, internalizing their own propaganda), contempt for those perceived as lesser (e.g. prosperity gospel) and greed. This would need further inquiry though on my part if you want a more in depth answer. Whether the self-image of those who are perpetuating the violence matters in your assesment is a question of your ethical framework. Does it really matter whether they hate the working class? Would it make the violence and suffering perpetuated by that system worse if they did? Those are interesting philosophical questions.
On the materialistic side Capitalism as a system sure treats the working class like a resource rather than humans though, that much is clear. Needless to say I believe we should create a socio-economic order that is more conducive to the flourishing of all life on earth, humans included.
Extra points: (1) You should have the freedom to refuse a shit job without fear of becoming homeless, dying of disease or starving. If the economy is organized in such a way, that you have no access to a dignified job AND you become homeless if you refuse a shit job, the external factors are quite literally forcing you into an abusive work-relationship. This is unjust.
(2) Doesn’t mean I want everyone to slack off on the couch. People should still be productive of course (for the good of their community/family etc., not for the sake of corporate profits), but the incentive to work should not be “go work or die on the streets”.
The wording includes an important caveat:
(4) Gegen jeden, der es unternimmt, diese Ordnung zu beseitigen, haben alle Deutschen das Recht zum Widerstand, wenn andere Abhilfe nicht möglich ist.
This roughly translates to
Every German has the right to resist those who seek to abolish this [free and democratic] order if no other means are sufficient.
The conservative politicians/judges have watered it down to the point where you can only violently resist them once democracy has already failed.
Tautology rule
Oh no, APA style
A boring dystopia.
Molotov Ribbentrop Pakt 2.0 incoming
Sooo, where will people go next? What alternatives are available?