i don’t see the problem? just keep killing whoever is in charge until nobody tries anymore. permenent revolution.
btw, your definition of fascism would also fit like pretty much all nations, and your definition of anarchism is like someone knew a bit of greek and tried to guess. an-archy, against heirarchy, boom done!
capitalism is when people are prejudiced against money and freedom is when you don’t have to pay at the BDSM club
…i know? obviously it’s that, nobody was debating that fact. my point is that the automatic agreement that having sex with men makes you submissive is inherently homophobic.
imagine if instead if the insult was like, “he’s such a woman, i bet he loves cooking, cleaning and looking after republicans!”, I imagine you’d correctly interpret the sexism in there. the original message was homophobic in the same way.
and i don’t care how gay you are or aren’t, you have zero authority to tell people that they’re not allowed to find something discriminatory