“B-b-but he wasn’t convicted!”
Ayo, if you want to run for office, try not to even be fucking insurrection-adjacent. Then it’s not even a question. This clown pushed the boundaries of the law until they broke, and now wants to say he should just be given a free pass. No. He could have coasted and told his supporters to go home, and blamed Biden for making lemonade poison. They would have made him even more of a golden idol. Instead, he fucked around, and now has court cases out the ass to find out with.
What an absolute loser.
She will also gleefully sign any anti-abortion legislation the Republicans come up with if she’s president. She’s firmly anti-choice and has no problem with a 6-week ban. She says her anti-choice beliefs are based on the fact that her husband was adopted and he’s a blessing she lives with every day.