20 centuries of Christianity…
So Christians vs Christians, got it.
What religion were the fascists?
Is this evopsych bullshit?
“This study shows us that bullying seems to be associated with some meaningful outcomes that help explain why kids do it,” Volk says. “This isn’t just ‘broken kids’ doing bad behavior; it’s getting them important things that matter.”
Yeah, same as bandits.
Volk says the results support the idea that adolescent bullying is, at least in part, an evolutionary adaptation that may help individuals pass on their genes to future generations.
Yep, evopsych bullshit.
I’m no medical doctor, but that perfusion looks bad (bottom images in reddish colors).
“When females were selecting mates, they also had to select males that had a similar tameness to themselves,” study co-author Alex Capaldi, a mathematician and statistician at James Madison University in Virginia, told Live Science. “So if both of those processes are in play, then it is possible for the self-domestication hypothesis to beat the time constraint critique.”
“Snax and chill.”
The genomic signature of dog domestication reveals adaptation to a starch-rich diet | Nature
It’s a great question.
It’s best to start with zero hope in humanity if you’re looking for answers for that.
Here’s a figure to wrap your head around:
From this paper: Characteristic processes of human evolution caused the Anthropocene and may obstruct its global solutions https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rstb.2022.0259
Homeowners who had assumed their properties would become valuable assets and provide security described their homes as “money pits” and “financial burdens”, and said they felt stuck in homes they could barely or no longer afford, with insurance, taxes, utilities and maintenance now often costing more than people’s mortgages.
Bubble. And it will get worse with climate change: https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-023-01173-x
There’s a term that’s going to get popular: “uninsurable”.
“I bought this house 19 years ago for $220,000,” she said. “If I’m lucky, I can sell it for $300,000.” Local house prices, she said, had not gone up by very much in all this time, in part because local property taxes were prohibitively expensive.
Classic hypocrisy. Complaining about how much houses costs when you want to buy, and then complaining about how little houses costs when you want to sell.
the enclosure of the internet commons
I used it for a while, but switched to Olive for the little editing I need.
Actual link: https://labplot.org/
Is it time to uninstall JASP?
Never trust a billionaire to be “pro-social”.
Put it in writing for your family, friends, lawyer, so that they know what retirement strategy to pick.
Put that in writing.
Shoutout to !fuckcars@lemmy.world
Yeah, it means something bad is happening. People are talking about it because they don’t want to do anything serious about it, which is somewhat good. It would be good to solve this problem with words only.
atherosclerosis can start in childhood, at least.
Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Beginning in Childhood