Hello Mondo

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 17th, 2024


  • I’m the wife and I’m like you. I will stand in the dark and wait for my eyes to adjust rather than turn on a light.

    We have fairy lights and red LED string lights for the high traffic areas to dissuade hubby from flipping on the overhead.

    Low light motion sensor nightlights for a couple spots so that we don’t step on a cat on the way to the bathroom.

    The kitchen lights are dimmable, so we can go bright when needed to cook, and dim if just searching for a snack.

    I love it. He has given in and adjusted. I find it calm and cozy.

  • I was never really into twitter, but I like Mastodon a lot. It takes some time to find people to follow (but can be fun to do in the micro breaks)

    My Mastodon feed is pretty active now with stuff I’m interested in. If you were on reddit to keep up with the news, that’s doable on Mastodon.

    What are some of the niche communities you are missing? Maybe they are here just harder to find?

    If you like books, maybe switch to short stories? I found when I didn’t have time for novels, they were great alternative. Especially stuff like Neil Gaiman or collections of authors. Or like NG’s Norse Mythology or Stephen Fry’s Mythos. I listened to them on audio though because they are great story tellers and if I lost track it was easy to start the story over.

  • ericatty@lemmy.mltocats@lemmy.worldNoki drooling on his arm
    2 months ago

    My cats do that too, they also drool in two specific circumstances even if you aren’t petting them.

    One, the gray cat when you are holding her and your hair is long enough to stick her face in, she’ll drool in your hair. No petting really required.

    Two, if the tabby is in your lap making biscuits she drools. Sometimes she’ll make a little slurpy sound first like she’s trying not to.

  • ericatty@lemmy.mltoScience Memes@mander.xyzsleep paralysis
    3 months ago

    When it hasn’t happened in a while (or it’s one of the first times) you can forget in the moment.

    It’s like swimming under water and realizing you are running out of air so you start to surface, but something wraps around your foot and you can’t go up anymore.

    Almost everyone feels panic at this. Your brain and body try to fight, your heart is racing. It’s the terror of being trapped in the dark, not knowing what caught you.

    With that type of terror most people don’t think to just go to sleep and the problem will go away. We panic and struggle.

    Imagine that feeling, except you can breathe (usually) but you are trying to scream, to move any part of you and fall out of bed, or to get someone’s attention so they’ll help you. But no one hears you, they stand near but don’t help, and you realize you are paralyzed. Bonus points if you can see and hear them (while in reality no one is there and your eyes are closed, but you don’t know this yet)

    You don’t know if what is happening is real. It seems real.

    Are you really paralyzed or is it a dream? If you go to sleep, will you wake up back to normal, will you die, will you wake up later still paralyzed? You want to cry because you can’t remember enough of yourself to be sure what will happen.

    Time is distorted. This could be mere seconds, minutes, or hours. How long has it been?

    If pink elephants in silver tutus start smoking pipes and debating the best cheeses, you feel relief. For me, the sleep demon showing up is a relief, because the brain starts to calm down and think wtf, this is a crazy dream.

    At this thought you finally snap awake.

    Hopefully next time you can realize sooner and control it.

  • What if I say you often get speeding tickets while driving, but you’ve never been stopped by the cops for anything, or you got one speeding ticket 10 years ago? If I keep repeating that you “often get speeding tickets” and it gets you fired - did I not hurt you with a lie?

    Notice I’m not accusing you of speeding. I’m saying you often get ticketed, something that can be verified

    He’s not accusing the judge of “often making wrong or bad decisions” He is saying “often overturned decisions” Has the judge been overturned in these proceedings? Because another federal judge in one of his other cases has been overturned, but he’s not posting about that judge being unfair or “often overturned”

    I feel like there’s a difference, but maybe using “often” murks it up just enough. Like using alleged, “it’s possible”, or “people say” to spread rumors.

  • You make an excellent point that not everyone is capable to do everything in the world with just some gumption and training. We are all different in ways that makes some skills and knowledge unattainable for practical use.

    A lot of us have interests and hobbies beyond our abilities. It’s also awesome that you are smart enough to know what you don’t know (many people who actually suck lack the self awareness)

    Your enthusiasm may one day inspire someone else to do great things in that field. Maybe it’s a child’s future or maybe it’s a question you ask that sets off a thought process in an expert. Maybe it inspires you to think about a problem of your own a different way.

    Challenging experts to explain what they do so the rest of us can understand and discuss only helps. If you met a particle physicist or astronomer in real life, they’d absolutely love talking with you and corner you at the party and have a great time. Their coworkers would be jealous. :)

    Anything we learn isn’t wasted.

    Not everything we learn has to earn money.

    A living wage should not require extreme skillsets or extreme ambition.

    A living wage should not require so much time and energy that all there is to life is work.

    Living in your parent’s basement or with multiple roommates as your only option is not a living wage.

    These should be choices people make because they want to, not requirements if they want to afford food and medicine. Or temporary need to do’s (like breakups, moving to a new area, theft, etc)

    I agree you should be paid a real living wage for whatever it is you do. If the job is worth having it done, it is worth paying a living wage to have it done. Even if it doesn’t take a particle physicist to do it. :) Even if it is a low stress job for the person doing it.

    I also agree Corporations should not own and rent out single family homes at all. There do need to be rental options for people, but it should be feasible to buy a place too. But that is a different rant.