noice comf
There seem to be about 5000 people living there now… I wouldn’t want that for them. But I’m sure there’s a nice, sparse, unpopulated island without utilities and internet access in the Hawaiian archipelago for Mr. Musk to spend the rest of his life on. Lisianski Island for example looks great!
Edit: Or Sentinel Island, the indigenous would be really happy to see him :)
I read a while back that this is due to capitalism having ameliorated most production / operatioal inefficiencies. Now younger companies have to rely on people’s ‘self-improvement’ and ‘dedication’ (ie. unpaid overtime, useless motivational speeches,…) to beat their competition.
When Ford implemented mass production, they gained a competitive advantage that didn’t rely on any individual worker being extremely good at what they do. Same with McDonalds: The burger flipper doesn’t matter to be successful, the system of delivery is what matters.
But when you’re developing the 900th dating app, there isn’t really much to innovate if you want to play it safe, so you just tell people that they have to be(-come) extremely good, quick, etc. at what they do and make personal growth one of your company principles.
The French learned their lesson here and its paying off!
Waah, why is the picture slightly tilted? O.o
I think its already too late for them to push back… They got lured in by market deregulation and if they revolt now, they see their capital in danger (seized, redistributed by force of policy, etc.).
Fascism and neoliberalism can also get along quite well.
My family’s cat likes to drink out of our fishtank… this kind of reminds me of that xD
Because :3