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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • So the clause, 52.222-21 Prohibition of Segregated Facilities was removed but I think it’s because under the definitions of that clause it defines “Gender Identity” and “Sexual Orientation”. Most of the clauses removed or edited refer to one of these definitions. It feels like they Ctrl+f’ed the FAR to find any mention of gender. As someone who writes contracts for the government for a living, getting the email to say remove these clauses made me feel disgusting. I hate it here.

  • So to give people some additional context on why this is a nightmare. Currently in contracting we have something called the Micro purchase threshold, which is $10k for supplies or $2500 for services. This is what the government was allowed to buy on a government purchase credit card with minimum paperwork (it’s regularly audited but doesn’t need to go through the whole contracting process, which is a lengthy process). Removing the credit cards has meant buying something like office supplies is no longer a quick Amazon buy, it is now something that will take over a month as they fill out tons of documents and some poor contract Specialist and contracting officer will have to go through all the contracting steps. This is aggressively inefficient and expensive. It is by far the dumbest thing this jack ass has done. ~source me, a poor contract Specialist who now has to do an unholy amount of micro purchases.