And the smarterest brain of anyone.
And the smarterest brain of anyone.
Most advanced countries have a mail delivery system.
America is a shit hole.
She pushed the sausage in her vagina and then another in her anus.
The sausage in her anus said “Holy shit! It’s tight in here.”
The one in her vagina looked surprised and said “Holy shit! A talking sausage!”
We can look forward to four years of this trash.
You’re never going back to the old way of doing things. Kiss that country goodbye.
Considering 1/3 of the people voted for Trump and 1/3 of the people didn’t care enough to vote, and the remaining 1/3 vote for spineless slugs, I say America deserves anything Trump and Musk do to them.
It could have been avoided.
Honestly, I don’t want any states to be part of Canada. Not at least until the Americans in those states undergo some deprogramming.
American’s have some crazy fucked up views on how the world works. Things like guns are a “god given right” and more guns in a society makes that society safer. We don’t need that insanity in Canada.
I’m in Prince Edward Island Canada where food prices are normally a bit higher. Generic eggs cost about $5 for 12. The same store in Vancouver sells these for $3.93. I don’t buy a ton of eggs from regular stores, but I don’t think this prices has changed much in the last couple of years.
Personally, I get my eggs from a local farm for $5 a dozen.
There already is a travel advisory in Canada. It’s more personal though.
If I tell my friend I’m going to the states they’ll stage an intervention.
“You’re desire to travel to the US hurts me in the following ways…”
I’m not sure of the shape change reason, but I prefer the thinner cans. I have a candy store with soft drinks and I can put more of the thinner cans on the shelf. Usually one more can per shelf.
Next, Trump signs an executive decree that says they can now make champagne in the US because the US had been treated very unfairly by France by not allowing champagne to be made elsewhere and now that the USA can do it, everyone is going to become very rich.
…or something.
Given how this douche canoe acts, and the damage he’s done lately, I just hope he finds himself in a very slow, painful decline and maybe he’ll snap while in the oval office with first lady Trump.
These zones would allow wealthy investors to write their own laws and set up their own governance structures which would be corporately controlled and wouldn’t involve a traditional bureaucracy.
Why do I read this as incel rape cities?
I can. It’s the epitome of America.
America. Fuck you, I’m eating. - Brainworms.
That’s crazy talk. Immunizations give you the autism cooties.
/s in case someone thinks I’m MAGA or something
I think that’s already happened.
I own a business in Canada which gets a ton of tourists. I’m fine with everyone coming in.
That said, if they’re wearing a MAGA red hat or a Trump shirt, I’m not quite sure what I’d do. I’d probably tell them they can’t come in wearing that. I think it would be hilarious to make these scrubs leave their hats in the car.
Ah ha! Perfect. This is what I was missing. Thank you.
You know what else has stuff I don’t trust? The fucking measles.