However, you can export your subscriptions/blocks through your profile and import them to your new instance. No, you can’t take your entire “identity” with you, but is that really so bad?
First, I am a pan-sexual woman with severe ADHD and a sprinkling of BPD. If I have a meltdown or an episode, I am VERY sorry. Let me take 5, and I can apologize and be a reasonable human being again. None of this is an excuse, but it at least explains it. I assure you, I will be tearing myself apart with guilt and embarrassment for far longer than is healthy. I would be eternally grateful if you could have a little patience and not pour fuel on the fire. I would never wish any of these disorders on anyone. I will do my best.
Who am I? That is always a difficult question to answer as self introspection can be a rather painful and difficult exercise. I don’t believe we are always the same. We all change, but we do like to make the same choices over and over. If I had to sum myself up, I am a force of nature who cares too much.
However, you can export your subscriptions/blocks through your profile and import them to your new instance. No, you can’t take your entire “identity” with you, but is that really so bad?
That would make an absolutely beautiful dress. Almost like a wedding dress. Throw some ruby jewelry on. Would be awesome.
This is the argument I get in with people in my life. Even my significant other is starting to fall into this trap that “they can’t hold up cabinet selection” due to some misguided notion that holding your nose and being respectful is necessary. I blame coworkers and not wanting to think about something that stresses them out. It is maddening.
Thank you for linking the paper.
Open; iiii>!!<e