Fully retired now and one of the things I’d like to do is get back into hobby programming through the exploration of new and new-to-me programming languages. Who knows, I might even write something useful someday!

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • That’s what I worked through this morning. I learned elsewhere in these comments that users have both names and IDs and that docker references IDs.

    I’ve changed ownership of the files and folders a few times. First to match the default setting in docker-compose.yaml, then as I tried different user IDs. Always the same message.

    I did additional research and found references to something known as “mounting volumes”, but have not yet had a chance to explore that angle further. It’s not mentioned in the GTS documentation that I can see, so I just assumed (I know…) that the .yaml file was taking care of it.

    At this point, I suspect that there is something else going on, possibly with ports. I had to do a bit of fiddling with ports to kill a bind error resulting from the fact that there is another service hooked up to ports 80 and 443. I’m only guessing, but maybe it’s unable to create the database because it needs to do so via those ports. That doesn’t sound quite right to me, but it’s not like I have any real clue!

    One thing I noticed is that docker-compose is recommended by GTS, so I installed it and that really blew up in my face, so I went back to docker compose as I’ve used elsewhere.

    Research continues…

  • I didn’t suggest otherwise. I was merely pointing at a couple of examples where some pretty smart, pretty experienced people used Go to successfully implement entire collections of algorithms in some very performance-sensitive systems. It’s just by coincidence that I chose those examples because that is where my study is right now. Ask me in a year and I might point to your project as an example when the next person is asking for similar advice.

    If Go isn’t going to be fast enough to perform your task, then you’re probably going to be sorely disappointed when you finally get the performance you’re after and then have to stick it at the end of a wire with all kinds of stuff between you and your end users:

    Operating systems, databases, hardware, virtual machines, containers, webservers, firewalls, routers, HTML/CSS/whatever, DNS, certificate authorities, more routers and firewalls, ISPs, modems, more routers and firewalls, WiFi connected machines of all kinds, and random browsers implementing any of several different rendering engines.

    Quite frankly I can’t imagine a language that won’t offer enough performance to meet your needs in that environment.

  • The CSS also came, with the idea that HTML should focus on text information while CSS should do so on the visual design.

    My biggest beef with CSS is that it’s on the wrong end of the wire. What ever happened to the idea that the client is in charge of rendering?

    Or maybe it’s that the clients have abdicated their responsibility: the browser included with OS/2 Warp had a settings page that let me set the display characteristics of every tag in the spec. Thus, every site looked approximately the same: my font, my sizes, my indents, my spacing, whether images displayed (or even downloaded, I think) and whether text split at an image or wrapped around it. And it’s not like I had to customize everything for each site: if you used a tag my browser recognized, my browser took over.