• 2 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月1日


  • Sure that’s high, but I don’t think that’s quite what makes this truly asshole design though. It’s that the trial is on a weekly subscription of $4.99 when a year is only $9.99. $4.99/week for a year is $259.48 which happens to be 2,597% more expensive than the annual subscription. They are hoping people select the trial and forget about it while they rake in an astronomical amount for a third party app for an open source social network.

  • You make a great point here. It’s so common to boil one view down to a label, and then people use that label to extrapolate a whole set of views, many of which the individual may not ascribe to. Example: he’s anti vax which is an alt right viewpoint, therefore he is alt right. You tell someone that he is alt right and then that person thinks he is bigoted toward LGBTQ+, donates to the NRA, pickets outside of abortion clinics, etc.

    I’m not saying any of this in support of RFK Jr at all, just that this concept is detrimental to all rational discourse. Labels are a helpful part of language in categorizing things, but they can also be really dangerous when you default to using them in every situation even if they don’t fit.

  • How is any of the information random? The OP title says vague things like “makes history” and “ruling”. While you can guess that the ruling is positive based on it saying that it makes history, the headline on the article is unambiguous and much better in my opinion.

    First South Asian country

    This describes the manner in which this ruling was historical.

    Recognize same-sex marriage.

    This describes what the actual ruling is.

    To use a hyperbole to illustrate a point, the OP title could just as well describe a situation where Nepal had ruled that same sex couples who marry must be banished to outer space. Hypothetically, It’s just as much a historical ruling as what actually happened.

    Edit: fixed formatting