If the decision making in the game is based on a deterministic formula, then it is no different than the decision of selecing which two items in the container to compare next.
If the decision making in the game is based on a deterministic formula, then it is no different than the decision of selecing which two items in the container to compare next.
You never ever say Fräulein. It is disrespectful. 100 years ago it was a normal term to refer to an unmarried woman, but today it is rude, almost insulting. Please don’t use that word, ever. It’s Frau Müller for a woman and Herr Müller for a man, regardless of age and marital status.
If you want the waiter’s attention, make eye contact, and give a nod or a subtle hand gesture. If they are obviously busy then wait.
Here we treat waiters mostly as equals. Imagine it as if an acquaintance or a neighbour was serving you - that’s much closer to how you should treat them.
Your argument can be reduced to saying that if the algorithm is comprised of many steps, it is AI, and if not, it isn’t.
A chess engine decides nothing. It understands nothing. It’s just an algorithm.
Many chess engines run on deterministic algos as well
JetBrains. They’re paid, but they’re just that good.
Same in all of Europe
I think it’s just the USA that’s… different
It’s more accurate than you think, because brulée literally means burnt
If a basic chess engine is AI then bubble sort is too
We say “USA” for the country and “US-American” for the people. Those arrogantly misusing the name of the continent can get rekt.
Which diseases can only be contracted if a person has a specific orientation?
When is the sexual orientation medically relevant?
Srsly. What is this bullshit.
They also play with words a lot, which is lost in translation. For example, in Du Hast, he begins saying:
Du hast (you have)
Du hast mich (you have […] me)
Which, to a native speaker, hearing it for the first time, may very well be interpreted as:
Du hasst (you hate)
Du hasst mich (you hate me)
But then he continues:
Du hast mich gefragt (you have asked me)
So when the verb “gefragt” arrives, the interpretation suddenly changes from “you hate me” to “you have asked me”. Which is cool.
This is just one tiny example - Rammstein lyrics are full of wordplay that only works in German. It would take forever to explain it all.
I think I won’t use it ever. I think it’s a stupid expression.
What does glazer mean in this context? (English is my fourth language)
America doesn’t have a government. It’s a continent. Are you possibly referring to the USA?
TIL not believing a genocidal dictatorship is extremist nationalism
This is very interesting! Thanks
Awesome! Good to have you!