• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • For the most part, women aren’t saying that all men are dangerous.

    We’re saying that a significant percentage of them are—as established by the fact that the majority of women have experienced sexual harassment and/or assault at least once—and that “bad” men and “good” men are often indistinguishable from each other… for the first few minutes, hours, days, months, or even years of knowing them.

    And then there are the many men who may not actively harass or assault women, but look away and remain silent when they witness their friends doing it. Those men are unsafe, too.

    Anyone who perceives this hypothetical situation as “sexist” is not bothering to actually listen to what women are saying, which tracks. Hit dogs holler.

  • You are allowed a voice, yes. Haven’t you just used it?

    Your right to use your voice doesn’t protect you from potential criticism from those who hear it. You do not have the authority dictate what is acceptable/unacceptable regarding trans issues as a cis person (nor what we should call trans people), just as I—another white cis person—have no right to claim what is or isn’t okay when it comes to issues unique to POC.

    I don’t have the background and life experience of non-white/trans people, so I’ll continue to follow and amplify the words of those in any marginalized group that I am not a part of. There are enough people ignoring and talking over them already.

  • lady_maria@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    3 months ago


    You’re “not sure” that harassment and… ASSAULT… aren’t relevant enough to the subject of violence against women? lol k.

    You think men who do that kind of shit aren’t significantly more likely to kill us? Fuck, I’d love it if I could go through life being that ignorant and naive.

    Edit: typo

  • lady_maria@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    3 months ago

    I imagine it can be especially isolating to be a trans-masculine person… possibly even more than being a trans-feminine person.

    I really hope you have people in your life who you feel fully comfortable hanging and talking with! I’m sure that those women appreciate your support.

  • lady_maria@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    3 months ago

    Women are very likely to be sexually harassed or assaulted at least once in their lifetime. If it were unlikely, calling it “fear mongering” would actually make at least a little sense.

    I’ve been assaulted once and harassed multiple times, and most people wouldn’t even consider me to be conventionally attractive. I know many women who have faced much worse than I, despite the fact that I’m kind of antisocial.

    I don’t need the news or a comic to tell me I’m in danger.

  • lady_maria@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    3 months ago

    Why would you need to know someone to judge their character quickly.

    Wow, you’re so naive, if you aren’t a troll. You seriously think you can know a person from just a few moments of interaction? So many people are great at masking their true thoughts and intentions.

    Ted Bundy was known to be charming and charismatic… but this is by no means limited to serial killers. All kinds of people put on a facade every single day. Oftentimes it’s not even malicious.

    You don’t always know who a person truly is, even if you THINK you know them. Women will get into relationships with men who seem lovely at first, and then they turn abusive as soon as they get married because they believe they’ve had her tied down enough so she won’t leave. You hear from friends, family, neighbors of murderers and abusers say that they had no idea of that person’s dark behavior.

    Say you have a jar full of candy that you’d like a piece of, but you know that there are a handful of pieces in the jar that will poison and kill you. There’s no way to know which is which. Would you not be wary, even though you know that most of them are probably fine?

    You’re also forgetting about (or ignoring) the kinds of men that look away when their friends or family do/say things to women that aren’t ok.

    Maybe those men aren’t openly misogynistic, and maybe they would never actively harm a woman themselves, but they’re also unsafe for us to be around when they do nothing to stop or object to their peers’ behavior. Those kinds of men are even more common than abusers. I certainly wouldn’t want to be with anyone like that, even if I knew with 100% certainty that they would never lay a hand on me.