Hi! I’m Lohrun, I run the Kbin instance on fediverse.boo

Consider buying me a coffee to help keep the lights on in the server room! https://bmc.link/lohrun

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • I notice myself checking it less and less due to the post sorting algorithm being infuriating. E.g. I’m sorting by “Top 6 Hours” and this post from 7 months ago is in my feed

    Edit: and since I’ve now commented on this post, it’ll likely bubble into other people’s feeds and they’ll be just as confused as I was

  • I really appreciate the links! So it looks like matrix has mainly been focused on the chat room side of things and another downside is that you need some sort of translation layer to connect a matrix thing to an activity pub thing. Definitely gives a lot to think about. I’ve been trying to decide where I should donate my time to doing dev work at but the answer appears to be “it’s complicated”

  • lohrun@fediverse.bootoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldThis
    1 year ago

    Oh trust me, I understand there is something about watching their descent into madness. I wouldn’t be subscribed here if I didn’t want to see it. I was more pointing out that it’s like when people would Facebook stalk their ex. Like sure you aren’t interacting with them directly in any way but the only way to fully move on is to drop the morbid curiosity. (Again, I’m also subscribed here watching the dumpster fire)