And not subtly like banks were back in WW2. Straight up endorsement.
And not subtly like banks were back in WW2. Straight up endorsement.
Terrorists and school shooters. Frankly, if cops were as gun happy towards Nazis as they are everyone else, we wouldn’t have quite the fascist problem.
Now, I’m not saying an idiot with a gun is the best solution to those issues, but it would be a solution.
Personally, I really hate this diagram. It feels like its used far more to tar a huge part of the population as “weak” and therefore not worth considering.
Now, there us an element of truth to this in that it probably is not a coincidence that fascism is on the rise right after the generation that fought in WW2 mostly died off. But I’d much rather blame the current problems on thr handful of plutocrats who have been sabatoging things for gerations now, than claim its due to some ineitablilty with strength and generations.