Furry artist and streamer - malleyeno.com

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023

  • Oh hey, fellow org user!

    I’m in the same boat. I don’t do calendaring that much, but agenda is what I use when I’m time blocking tasks.

    My main complaint is that I can’t get it to sync to my Google calendar. I have tried org-gcal but the gpg encryption never works for me so I just gave up. I would have liked it to have easier viewing on mobile, but that’s minor enough that I don’t care. Orgzly with notifications on lets me know when its time to do something anyway.

  • I’m sorry that you’ve been mobbed for sharing this view. That’s shitty.

    I feel like ableism, especially against people with intellectual and personality disability, is the one sphere where nobody seems to take the objections of the targeted group seriously, and simultaneously dismiss people speaking up for the targeted group for being “virtue signalers” or as whiners. So it’s like the only solution is to just not say anything.

    (Tangential but I have similar feelings about people calling others narcissists and attacking them for it, though I don’t feel like that is going to change anytime soon. Still, if the person targeted is actually a narcissist, then I feel like it’s bad to attack them for a diagnosis and symptoms they have no control over. And if they aren’t actually a narcissist, then why further stigmatize people with narcissism? It’s more complicated than the r-slur since abuse by narcissists happens and victims shouldn’t feel restricted from sharing their experiences accurately, but similar in how it’s disproportionately used to disparage and nobody takes objections to that usage seriously.)

  • My conspiracy theory is that the writers had an idea for their own show, but execs made them slap on the Foundation label for notoriety. Because the parts that aren’t in the books, like the Genetic Dynasty, are great – probably the best parts. It feels like that was the actual story here, then everything else had to be put in after the fact to justify the universe they put it in.

    I stopped watching after season 1 because the “special powers held by individuals” angle felt like a slap in the face to the theme of the books. Apparently season 2 is better but I’m still a lil bitter so I don’t think I can do it lol

  • I was going to say, this looks very similar to knitting circles that are available today (I use them all the time). Those knobs and holes make me immediately think that this is used for fibre or knot work of some kind. Rope seems understandable, but I can’t tell from the picture if that is made from metal or clay. No issues if it was metal, but I would figure that clay wouldn’t hold up to the rope pulling and pressing against it in any intensive application.

    I am curious as to why OP decided this is unlikely to be used for “knitting gloves”. The Romans may not have practiced knitting as we understand it now since that came about in the middle ages, but knitting isn’t the only form of knotwork that can produce cloth.

  • Malle_Yeno@pawb.socialtoADHD memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comADHD Tips
    10 months ago

    I like Dr. K and think the content he puts out is important and useful, but there are a few items with his approach that I don’t appreciate. In a few of his earlier videos, he uses an example of a farmer vs. a hunter (or something thereabouts) to explain why certain unproductive thoughts can be reoccurring in people. I find that this has a lot of overlap with evolutionary psychology, which has an evidence problem and is often employed by “mindset grifters” to move product. I’m not saying that Dr. K is one of those grifters, but I’m concerned that his employment of it might “soften up” viewers to that kind of logic. So that when an actual grifter employs it, the person would be more receptive to being scammed.

    But even so, I still want to stress that I think there’s a lot of good in his content and I think offering as much free content as he does is a public service.

    Edit: sorry, i forgot to tie this back to your comment. He often in his earlier videos tied back those evolutionary psychology examples to concepts in Vedic philosophy and meditation. I think that could be dangerous for the reasons above, with the added issue of tying evidence-based science to things that can’t be evidenced (like someone having a certain tendency present in Vedic thought). I have the same objections to that as I would astrology. But of course if people find either of those things helpful to their mental health journey, more power to them.

  • Generally speaking, you will be asked to swear or affirm that you are going to tell the truth, and that you understand the consequences of not telling the truth. Whether you do a whole ceremony about it or not, it doesn’t really matter – but the court will want to know that you are competent to testify truthfully and that you know that you’re not allowed to testify to things you know aren’t true.

    If you’re asking “can you be forced to testify?”, the answer is “Yes but it depends.” If you’re competent to testify and the officers of the court deem your testimony important, they can subpoena your testimony. If you have a reason to contest it, you can – but “I don’t want to” isn’t good enough.