So you’re going to die…
So you’re going to die…
Agree. I moved from a post WWII suburb to a town with 112 people to 40 acres and only 1 neighbor. I can’t stand people and this is much better.
Best comment.
Sluggo can do better.
Forgot their brown shirts at home.
It’s almost as if efficiency and cost savings weren’t actually the point.
Ides of March gonna be crazy this year
This meme made my day and gave me a good chuckle. Thank you.
“I’m the richest man in the world, I must be the best. Why don’t people like me? I’ll make them pay for mocking me…”
I have high school aged children so all of the sabre rattling is unsettling to me. I would love my kids to maybe explore degree programs outside of the US because I don’t see things getting better anytime soon. I don’t want them sucked into some bullshit conflict started by that guy.
I canna waterrr it doon no morrrre.
Aww. I was hoping it was payday and a wonderful day… Until he realizes he’s paying the bear patrol tax.
“Let the bears pay the bear tax! I pay the Homer tax!”
"That’s the homeowners tax "
For anyone else in the US … Look at Mr. Moneybags here with 2 (2!) eggs for breakfast. Sheesh. Some people just gotta flaunt their wealth.
Gross. Just gross.
I suggest they change to the Utah Mormoms or Utah Polygamists.
Wilford Brimley? Didn’t know he played tennis. Die a beet us!
I recommend feather touch.
You have selected power drive.
That’s what feels different for me this time. Before I took a break and came back fine. This time … I just don’t know… Every day is worse.
And that’s WITH limitations on social media, getting outside more, medication and spending more time with family.
(It’s like the therapist scene from Office Space)
This is one of those where you start laughing because it’s very clever and then the chuckles slowly turn into sobs because it’s so true right now here in the US.