• 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • I want his press secretary give a conference TODAY and say something like:

    I want The Press to engage in a thought experiment with me. Imagine if our president came out and said, "The Supreme Court has granted Presidents immunity from prosecution in matters of the official duty. Well, it is my official duty to warn America that the Court is corrupt. It has been rotted out by folks like Harlan Crow who has corrupted the already dubious ethics of Clarence Thomas into the little stooge he’s become. Both these men should be dead. So, too, should Altio and Kavanaugh. I wouldn’t lose any sleep if I woke up tomorrow to news there were three particular open seats for what was once the highest court. Heck, I might even pardon the guilty. Of course Congress would try to block me from appointing replacement Justices, but it is possible that folks like Mitch McConnell, Jim Jordon, Ted Cruz and others might meet with some tragically fatal accidents, and then maybe Congress wouldn’t have so many objections. I can’t advocate for that, of course. I might be tickled pink to see it, but I can’t tell anyone to go out and do it. I won’t even suggest it! And remember: a presidential pardon only works on federal cases. States might prosecute anyone committing such heinous acts. On the other hand, if a President had a privileged conversation about the Constitution with a State Governor, well… that Governor might decide to do a favor for that unindictable President. God Bless America and God Bless our troops.

    – at which point the Press Secretary calls for questions.

  • Msnbc’s Alex Wagner pointed out on her show that, “After all, it took just 51 days from the time Trump was kicked off the ballot in Colorado on December 19th to when the Supreme Court heard oral arguments for that case – the 14th Amendment case – on February 8th. Now on December 11th, 2023, Counsel Jack Smith asked the Supreme Court to quickly weigh in on Trump’s immunity appeal and to do so early , which the Court rejected! And now by the time we get to April 22nd, which is when the Court plans to hear arguments in this immunity case, it will have been 133 days since the Court was first asked to hear the appeal. So the pace is… curious? Around 50 days when it helps Donald Trump, and over 130 days when it doesn’t.”

  • This.

    I don’t see how they can cry, “States’ Rights!” all this time and now try to say states DON’T have the right to set their ballots. They do. They keep various 3rd party candidates off ballots all the time for stuff like not having enough signatures to get them ON the ballot.

    I heard Trump’s lawyer argue that requiring candidates not-be-insurrectionists was adding a requirement not in the Constitution – except it IS in the Constitution and even though 2/3 of Congress could give a pardon/waiver on that, the fact that they MIGHT do so in the future does not disqualify Trump in the now, which the Colorado lawyer brought up. Later, TV commentators brought up that after the Civil War, a bunch of guys DID preemptively ask Congress for waivers. If Trump got that through now, it sounds like Colorado would have to put him on the ballot.

    The Supreme Court decided Bush V. Gore on just the state of Florida. It sounds like they are now deciding Trump V. [Constitution] and trying to blame it on Colorado. Sadly, they seem to want the Constitution to lose. My last hope is that they don’t make this about letting ‘one state decide the president’ because that already happens just based on who each state allows to vote. I’m hoping their decision stems from something actually in the Constitution.

  • How different would things be out there in America if, 15 or 20 years ago, some rich liberal or consortium of liberals had had the wisdom to make a massive investment in local news? There were efforts along these lines, and sometimes they came to something. But they were small. What if, instead of right-wing Sinclair, some liberal company backed by a group of billionaires had bought up local TV stations or radio stations or newspapers all across the country?

    Again, we can’t know, but we know this much: Support for Democrats has shriveled in rural America to near nonexistence, such that it is now next to impossible to imagine Democrats being elected to public office at nearly any level in about two-thirds of the country. It’s a tragedy. And it happened for one main reason: Right-wing media took over in these places and convinced people who live in them that liberals are all God-hating superwoke snowflakes who are nevertheless also capable of destroying civilization, and our side didn’t fight it. At all. If someone had formed a liberal Sinclair 20 years ago to gain reach into rural and small-town America, that story would be very different today.

    There has in recent years been an impressive growth of nonprofit media outlets, led nationally by ProPublica and laying down roots everywhere, from the aforementioned Baltimore, where the Baltimore Banner has sometimes been scooping the Sun, to my home state of West Virginia, where Pulitzer Prize–winner Ken Ward’s Mountain State Spotlight is doing terrific reporting. These outlets are welcome indeed. They do sharp and necessary reporting. But they’re nonprofits, which, under IRS rules, cannot be partisan. They have to be apolitical.

    I think one of the hard issues about making left-wing spin-machines is that a large chunk of the left would reject them. Following the old adage, “Democrats fall in love; Republicans fall in line,” I fear that you can get the right to follow any ridiculous story because they are unified in wanting their ‘side’ to win, but a good number of Democrats would become disenchanted by fake news and may even become turncoats if asked to believe muckraking spin as Truth. Surely there’s a good number of low-interest left-leaners who would be happy to believe and follow half-truths and lies, but I doubt Democrats would get the same consensus of accepting such as good politics the way Republicans do.

  • I haven’t seen the show, but my guess is that the script numbers the kids in order of appearance – because it would be really confusing to get stuff ready if they weren’t numbered in order of appearance. Imagine reading the script and seeing a first mention of the kids like:

    Ghoulish child #2 darts across the hall and disappears.

    You wonder, “Was there a #1?” Then you see more ghoulish kids on the pages: 4, 7, 1, 5. Are there numbers 2 and 3? 6 or 8? How many costumes do we need, and are theses kids going to appear together? Were some cut? Did the script editor forget something?

    If they are in order of appearance, then the kids with bigger/speaking parts might get higher billing, but they wouldn’t get earlier numbers since non-speaking/smaller parts appeared earlier.