Spiderman pointing at Spiderman meme.
Spiderman pointing at Spiderman meme.
Honestly I can understand people not knowing anything about her, I voted for Bernie each primary, he’s the only candidate I’ve ever donated to, and I only voted for the establishment Dems because trump is such a threat, and I really only know that she runs for president and sat at a table with Putin once.
I’m sure the only reason I know about the sharing a table with Putin thing is because the establishment Dems pushed it out.
Agreed, in my early 20’s I applied for a job with the TSA. After passing the interview I had to take a test to determine if I was fit for the job, before I could take the test I had to be cleared for confidential clearance. So even though I didn’t pass the test, and didn’t get the job, I had a low level government clearance and an NDA that kept me from disclosing what I saw.
Funny enough that clearance did come in handy when I had to get an FBI background check to work at the airport doing line service, the guy who did the paperwork was shocked at how fast my paperwork was given the all clear.
Narco subs filled with eggs any day now…
Democrats, the masters of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Not a trump supporter in any way, but this could backfire on him (it probably won’t but why risk it?) by giving the Dems ammunition against him and the Republicans. The Dems are destroying themselves just fine.
“Never interrupt your opponent while he is in the middle of making a mistake” - Sun Tzu.
Yep, I’ve got a buddy in another country that I needed to share a group of files with, it was several gigs and we were both editing things.
We setup a syncthing connection and once we were synced it just worked. I also use it on my LAN to sync personal files, but to share with him we both just set up a folder and I just shared that one folder with him while the rest of my shares stayed private on the LAN.
Syncthing is amazing.
That headline is some brand new sentence material.
This is like a one in a million chance, but…
Same here, just got the message earlier this morning. I feel blessed…to have the ability to block accounts.
I know a ton of people died, and countless more where hurt, and it hurt the economy, but as an introvert hermit, GOD DO I MISS LOCKDOWN.
I do my best to keep up the life style, but I’m still expected to go into the office every once in a while for my wasted day as we all call it.
“Couldn’t fit a steam turbine in a calculator.”
Not with that attitude you can’t.
I guess I’m just too pessimistic to be able to allow my brain to accept that your way can happen. Maybe it’s because I’m a lefty living in deep red country and I see the crazy all around me still flying the trump flags and loving what he’s doing.
I hope your vision comes true, I genuinely do. And if it starts to pick up momentum I’ll join in, but I just don’t see it working on ultra maga people I interact with on a daily basis, at least not yet.
Well in my defense I was a young kid and I was left unattended so I could be indoctrinated by the media to believe cooperation was happening.
I just want to try and find a peaceful way to bring about change, because I fear the only way to make things better will be us having to suffer though a bloody civil war and decades of domestic terrorism from the losers.
The Streisand effect, the best free promotion you can ask for.
Yeah, that’s it! (Drops)
That is a totally viable method, it’s just not the one I want to pursue.
Also, yeah I don’t even want to think about the taxes…
I honestly don’t think even bold leadership would work at this point. Washington has spent so much time brainwashing the public to fear socialism that any bold leader on the left who suggests a plan like that without first kneecapping it would be killed in the polls because someone on the right would scream socialist and enough of the population would turn on them. And no amount of reminding the public about public roads, police, firefighters, libraries, ect. would change their minds. In my option it will take generational change to get past that mindset.
The Dems don’t just need “brawlers” but they also need people willing to get dirty. If you know pro wrestling, Eddie Guerrero at one time had a gimmick that included the slogan “I lie, I cheat, I steal” that is the mindset democratic operatives have to get into and party members have to at least accept, if they want any chance of beating the GOP.
The Dems don’t seem to understand that there is no bottom for how low the GOP will go, and that means they are going to have to get dirty and do and say things that will haunt them, but it will be for the good of the entire country and if they truly care about democracy and this country they will fall on that sword and dive head first into that mud pit.
*Sorry for the run on’s and ranting… ADHD stream of consciousness.