Thanks very much.
I shall experiment with your models and hopefully learn a little bit more about this.
Would you say that these platforms are trying to make it harder for dabblers like me to defeat some of their tracking?
Thanks very much.
I shall experiment with your models and hopefully learn a little bit more about this.
Would you say that these platforms are trying to make it harder for dabblers like me to defeat some of their tracking?
Okay… can you help me delete the tracking in this link?
Is the tracking piece after the second equals?
I’ll have to check out deep seek and I’ll ask it what cline is.
I’ve been playing with NotebookLM— that’s staggering. Have you checked it out?
So… AI taught me Spanish and made me fluent in a year. But I haven’t used it for tech stuff until I read this thread yesterday. I’m a Linux DABBLER. Like zero command line level but a huge user… daily driver but a fraud because I know so little. Anyway… my laptop ran into some problem and I knew I could spend hours parsing the issue in manuals and walkthroughs etc but I thought I would allow AI to walk me through … and it was great. Problem hasn’t been resolved but I learned a great deal. When another dabbling window opens, I’m on it.
I want my functional, safe, and nearly free jetpack.
I’m presently fluent in Spanish because of AI.
Nice. I haven’t peeked at it. Does it have guard rails around Tieneman square?
I’m positive there are guardrails around Trump/Elon fascists.
Which hobbies? That sounds interesting.
I saw this shit coming twenty years ago.