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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Hi! I’m a dirty communist from a dirty communist instance. Consider that these things aren’t circlejerks, consider instead that generally we have the opinions that we do for a reason and when we discuss things, it might be a good faith discussion but your guard may (possibly for warranted reasons) be up. Please grant us the faith that it’s not a circlejerk. I’m also open to answering any questions that might alleviate your (or anyone else reading’s) notions that we are a circlejerk.

  • Money flowing out in the two routes you mentioned is peanuts compared to the money flowing in: finished goods being purchased in bulk at a lower price and then being sold at a higher price. Or alternately for foreign owned businesses, goods being manufactured remotely for very cheap, where Australian corporations can employ near-slave labor and ignore environmental regulations and then said goods are brought home and sold very expensively relative to their production costs. In both cases, the owners of the corporation are able to take a large slice of the finished value of the goods despite them being made by others elsewhere.

  • Isn’t that a little bit charitable for the country that blackbagged and drugged criminal and non-criminal civilians with LSD, deliberately circulated drugs both inside and outside our own borders, taught animals with bombs strapped to them to seek out rival personnel and infrastructure, infiltrated and assassinated members of social justice movements, deliberately exported indiscriminate murder to countries that looked like they might be starting to think about not being the right kind of democratic, used guns to back corporations quashing striking workers, poisoned the earth in Vietnam with agent orange, and far, far more, all in violation of our own Democratic process, the trust of our people, or the nations we interact with?

  • If the US actually cared about Ukraine, we wouldn’t send cluster munitions. We have deliberately used these things to make farmland and schools into minefields for decades, we know exactly the harm they cause. Ukraine is fighting this war on their home turf, their home turf is where the cluster munitions will remain undetonated until some child steps on them.

    The US wants to see the Russians slaughtered. The PR line is that we want to defend Ukraine, but using cluster munitions is not a thing you do somewhere you’re trying to defend. We’re perfectly happy to have a bunch of Ukrainians slaughtered if it means we can take down some Russians too.

  • This is a really good argument until you learn that mass shooters are less than one in a million but child sexual abusers are more than one in a hundred, despite there being tens of millions of FPS players and probably only hundreds of thousands of CSAM consumers in America. It’s a catchy gotcha but it completely fails to hold up under material scrutiny.

    Mass shootings and child sexual abuse are very different things, and so are CSAM and video games. You would benefit from losing some of the reductivism you’ve got there.

  • Hi friend, it’s not my instance and not my business, but have you considered that lemmy maybe doesn’t have the userbase to support the number of highly niche and specific communities you’ve been making lately? I’m concerned that our own /c/gaming in total is probably getting less posts than an /r/rpclipsgta would get on Reddit. This, in my mind, will kind of make lemmy look like a ghost town, with hundreds of empty comms at less than one post per month, posts which would all probably fit in and be voted up in their relevant umbrella communities, until we get our userbase up and actually start experiencing crowding in those umbrella communities. Have you considered things from this angle?

  • In short, the majority of the fediverse was (and probably still is, despite the large influx of redditors?) highly communist in nature, but Beehaw, being predominantly moderated by liberals, were getting so dogpiled for their aggressive anticommunism that they just threw up their hands and started defeferating with any instance that disagreed with them from the left at the drop of a hat. At this point they’re probably cut off from 75% or more of the fediverse and I’m sure blissfully ignorant in their little liberal bubble. We’re probably not getting them back and to be honest I’m not sure it’d be rewarding to have them back, if their users want proper discourse they can just make an account over here.