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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The best argument I heard to defederate and have noting to do with Meta is this; this is the company that had/has a platform where hate, disinformation and lies have created a divide in society, several older generations were ‘socially engineered’ to start to think differently, more absolute and right wing. In short, Meta has a platform known for causing division amongst countrymen and families.

    Pre-emptive nuking is what is needed, followed by some DDT thrown over it for good measure. This needs to stop. This is not a technical decision, this is a social one in order to try and save us from that shitshow FB/Zuck/Meta gave us.

  • I get what you are saying but you cannot use that wording as the opposing side would focus on the crassness of your statement.

    Smile, be friendly and call then Moms for Hitler. They will protest, be offended even. But you can back this up: “then why did they promote Hitler quotes on their frontpage? Moms for Hitler sounds fair if your group quotes the man.” There will be arguments about how this was a ‘mistake’. This is easily dismissed by finger-quoting gestures and saying “why yes, who amongst us here did not quote Hitler by accident at one point and then published it on the frontpage of the organisation, totally by <emphasise finger-quoting vigorously> ‘accident’”

    You can see where this is going, it will be an utterly frustrating thing to combat this statement as it has truth in it.

    So you keep calling them by that name and be sure to be polite and friendly, but just keep calling them Moms for Hitler, do not relent on this.

    This vile and vicious group deserves the anguish and frustration.

    What did you just achieve? Nothing really other then annoying and frustrating delusional people and make them seethe with anger and frustration.
    I’ll take it…

  • I’m still massively confused on the setup. Just like Mastodon, this Lemmy thing pushes fragmentation and technology and I just cannot wrap my head around it.

    I would love to have a site ala reddit. There, that is it. I am not super interested in the techniques behind Lemmy but I must because there are ‘servers’, ‘communities’, etc. You can join one server but you might not see (or be able to search) other servers or whatever. The fragmentation is related to this point, I am going to have to hunt for specific ‘groups’ or ‘subreddits’ if you will, and hope it is complete because maybe another group, on another server, will have other content related to your interrest. I cannot even begin about posting items myself because I am already lost on that one, no idea what server to post or how it will be able to be seen by users.

    So I can describe what I would like, so that other can gauge if Lemmy can meet that need, but the fragmentation and technique tells me I am in the wrong place to have this experience.

    What I would like: Frontpage with generic ‘groups’ or ‘communities’ and my subscribed ‘groups’ or ‘communities’, all on the front page/one page, that scrolls continuously without bothering me with ‘techniques’ (choosing servers for example). I can certainly appreciate the techniques behind Lemmy (or Mastodon) but in the end I want to create 1 account, pull in some ‘subreddits’ in my account and when I go to the front page, I get to see all the articles related to the ‘groups’ or ‘subreddits’

    In short: can I arrange Lemmy/Vlemmy in such a way that I get the same experience as I had on/with reddit?

    I am looking for a replacement, not a challenge tbh. Again, fair play on the efforts of the devs but I want to keep my effort at a minimum on this one, I just consume and read news.