“The orange cornflour we used to create an eye-catching spectacle will soon wash away with the rain…"
“The orange cornflour we used to create an eye-catching spectacle will soon wash away with the rain…"
“The orange cornflour we used to create an eye-catching spectacle will soon wash away with the rain…"
How does that help?
We’re talking about it
Yep! With Steam Deck pushing more native game support, I hope we see more users get used to the Linux environment and increase the demand on the PC side for better support across all applications.
Another reason is that you are virtually guaranteed to find any application you need that supports Windows.
Before you were mommy’s angel you were daddy’s little squirt
This community pops up on ALL from time to time : https://feddit.uk/c/homevideo
With options trading, a lot of stock movement is reflective of speculation rather than true value.
Holy fuck that’s hilarious. I’m definitely going to start slipping this into real life conversations with my ultra conservative family members.
The game console industry proved this was a viable business plan a couple of decades ago.
They probably realized it’s not profitable because 90% of a user’s visits are home, work, store… wash rinse repeat day in and day out. They can probably get more meaningful data from the person through their other various tracking methods.
Are ransom attacks on the rise in recent months? Any sites that track these sort of things?
Only a matter of time for another Challenger incident to set space exploration back another 20 years.
I think most in society get that human space exploration is extremely risky, but to flirt with that risk with a known variable tipping the scales the wrong way seems like a business decision rather than an engineering one.
They of course me c-level executives, not us plebians who do actual work.
That’s the point though, right? It’s all publicity. They don’t want to give it to someone who may actually use it. Give it to the billionaire who will never use it so.
a couple of owners decided to race their trucks
in this rather unscientific race
Did you even read the article? The author was very upfront about the context.
You’re the type of person that wants everyone to min/max everything and say “yeah but if this had happened” or “if they had done this differently”
Get down off your soapbox and appreciate this for what it was: two owners having a fun race for bragging rights. And if Ford comes out in a better light from it than Tesla, that’s not circle jerking over a brand, it’s just another anecdote to pile on top of all of the other stories about how piss poor the Cybertruck is at being an actual truck.
Tesla has branded it as a truck. As a layman who isn’t a Tesla simp or a motorhead, I would expect a comparison with other popular trucks if I were interested in learning more about it.
I see you’re describing a case-by-case basis, but I’m still failing to see how it’s case-by-case. /s
They think they own most of the guns because they’ve built a whole culture around it. What they don’t realize is there are plenty of non-Rs who own guns too as a hobby or protection, but their whole identity isn’t “I’m a gun owner” so they don’t go around hoopin’ and hollarin’ that they own guns.
For the record, I’m not saying I agree with their methods, but I don’t think it’s fair to them either that everyone is acting like they did irreparable harm to the monument.