Floppy disks, too.
Floppy disks, too.
Nah if you want to watch porn you can just watch porn.
Access to adult content is never been easier so we don’t need half-assed versions in our film.
also, there’s some selection bias as the “top X grossing films” has included more and more childrens films over time as adult consumption of all content has moved out of the theatre and to the internet.
They are cool friendly predators, but my cat is a bigger one.
To your point, Ukraine lacks resources for both Ice cream and bbbrrrrrtttt.
They are fighting for their freedom.
If the USAF doesn’t want to deal with the A-10s supply chain, there’s a good chance Ukraine doesn’t either.
The only thing that keeps the A-10 flying is Congressional mandates from a few jobs-oriented congressmen.
To be fair, Kamala is our third Presidential candidate this year. 😂
I don’t understand why everyone assumes using a VPN means paying for a third party.
It’s because that is what is advertised to them.
Have you ever seen a real roadrunner?
Also, push notifications. Most things could be done from a browser, but corpos have to have their push notifications.
It doesn’t matter if you’re the guy who turns every notification off and manages all those… 9/10 people won’t.
Uniqueness is not a thing people generally desire.
So you refuse to answer my question.
Arab counties shipped Jews to Palestine after they decided to kick them out of their own countries.
Where are the Jews supposed to go?
Apples turn brown when you freeze them.
We still have monuments donated by Fascist Italy standing in Chicago.
They are a Silicon Valley-based foundation half-heartedly rehashing Silicon Valley’s worst trends.
The truth is, you have to do these sorts of things to attract and retain talent, even if they aren’t great ideas.
What about the hammerhead shark guys who looked like bebop and rocksteady?
Am I imagining them?
3-5 business days is the time it takes your bank to return your money to you, per your cardholder agreement.
Fewer than 50% of the cells in “your body” contain your own DNA.
There are many more bacteria, since they are much much smaller than “your own” eukaryotic cells.
Where you end and your “gut flora” begin and end is not as clear as you might first believe.