• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 20th, 2023


  • China seems to be able to easily start and complete megaprojects without much bureaucracy. It is a trait I wish the west would inspire to. Of course there are also traits that are not as appealing and should be avoided.

    Regarding fossil fuels, I am beyond surprised how both superpowers are not placing significant funding into fusion. ITER in theory (and almost certainty in practice) has shown that you can generate a 1< Q factor for energy projection.

    Imagine a Manhattan project for fusion instead of nuclear weapons. A project to this scale would very likely be able to fully transistion the world into clean, reliable, and cheap energy that doesn’t require batteries, sunlight, or natural terrain to exploit.

    The amount of lives you would save from free energy is also incredible! Place a few reactors in Africa and you have a way to desalinate ocean water, as well as provide free energy for food generation.

  • There was a time where the internet was a place for fun. Purely fun! No profit-based platforms, no mass abuse of users, no privacy violating practices, no forced ID verification, and no political correctness censorship enmass.

    This age was known as The Golden Age of the Internet. It was something I saw gradually disappear like a frog being slowly boiled in water.

    I’d like the hope we can one day come back to this era. The Golden Age was an escape from reality, while this corporate ran bullshit has been nothing but profit focused greed with a constant reminder of reality.

    I cannot express in words how amazing the Golden Age was. We never knew we were in it until it was one day gone. Decentralization and freedom from centralized entities may allow the Internet the perhaps return to the Golden Age. An age where the Internet purely exists for everyone to have fun in and be able to express themselves freely without censorship.