• 7 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2024

  • affordable thrift store items

    This has slowly become less and less true.

    The big corpo thrift stores have long since had pricing that exceeds reasonable: a 10 year old shirt with some event printed on it is not $9.99, when I can go to any of a dozen retailers and just… buy a new one, often for less.

    Smaller ones aren’t quite there yet, but smaller ones also tend to put more effort into fishing anything good in their donation streams out and posting it on ebay, so you end up with a store full of what is, quite literally, just trash.

    The last wardrobe refresh I did I ended up buying almost entirely new or used from like eBay because the pricing at Goodwill, Salvation Army, and a couple of local thrift stores were at best similar and at worse wildly stupid.

    The days when you could get a $0.99 shirt and $1.99 pants if you went on the correct color day are pretty much entirely dead, because capitalists going to capital, even if they’re literally profiting directly off stuff people are giving them for free.

  • If your retirement window is 5 years, you’re probably very very fucked.

    If it’s 10 years, as long as you’re assuming social security is going to contribute $0, you’re probably still pretty fucked.

    15 years? Maybe, but at that point that whole global climate change thing we’re ignoring is going to start getting more serious, so I’d wager on fucked.

    20? Please, you’re already in the trenches of the Water Wars, so your retirement plan is machine gun when you go over the top, sorry.

    Basically retirement is going to be you dying once your insurance lapses and someone coming along later to pick your corpse up and billing your family for doing so.

    (I’d love to be proven wrong, but ‘What’s the worst most awful thing that could possibly happen’ seems to be the right choice these days.)

  • Listen, I can’t just not use Amazon. Where else am I going to get my SYPHILICHODE nail trimmers and LEAKCROTCH underwear?

    You can’t just find horrible garbage to buy ANYWHERE, you gotta buy it on Amazon.

    I can live without it for a week, but man, these underwear don’t last too long so I gotta keep buying more!

    (/s in case this was not sufficiently clear, but this is the ultimate problem with all these pointless little internet symbolic gestures: nobody will notice, remember, or care about them since they’re only going to be a very minor stoppage in buying things, which everyone ends up buying ANYWAYS after the week is over.)

  • Elon has always been a terrible person

    The problem with Elon is he’s been provably an idiot for the past 25 years.

    The first thing I ever heard about Musky is that back in 2000-ish he wanted PayPal to take their infra, throw out all the Linux/BSD in use, and move everything to Windows NT.

    Anyone who was even remotely IT adjacent in that era can come along and tell you how utterly moronic that idea is.

    Anytime I’ve ever heard him blather on about some stupid shit that doesn’t exist except in his delusions or talk about, well, ANYTHING technical or specialized all I was ever able to think of is that he got lucky that Thiel didn’t drain all of his blood and leave his corpse in a ditch.

  • Ah HP printer drivers, my favorite form of self-inflicted malware.

    My favorite HP sucks story happened many a year ago. The boss’s shitty HP multi-function POS died, and we got him a nice Brother instead, and then went to uninstall the drivers.

    Somehow, and the reason for this is totally unknown to anyone other than HP engineers, the driver ‘uninstaller’ decided that today’s hilarity would be that it was going to uninstall… everything.

    After about 15 minutes of the drive churning away I got concerned, rebooted it, and found that nearly 75% of everything on it had been deleted by the uninstaller.

    No fucking idea, but that was a fun thing to explain and then fix.

  • I hate to go ‘Boy, I don’t buy it’ but, uh, I kinda don’t?

    This is one of those things that COULD happen, as long as every teacher, every administrator and the state itself were all intentionally trying to make it happen.

    CT has standardized tests that are required to be taken to progress through school, so how can someone who can’t read or write pass those?

    And EVERY teacher she had from first grade on just accepted the fact she clearly was unable to read or write, and thus was almost certainly not doing any work, and just decided that’s a-ok and we’ll just pass her along anyways without doing anything?

    Somehow feels like there’s a lot more to this story than just her side as presented by that article.

  • Uber-like surge pricing on electricity

    We don’t really: that story you heard from a few years ago was the only company that billed like that. The customers made a bet that the pricing averages through the day (lower at night, higher cost during the day) would average out in their favor over fixed-cost billing, and frankly, it did right up until it didn’t.

    They took a risk and got bit by, frankly, not understanding how the system works and basically ate the spikes.

    Everyone else paid $0.09/kwh or so during that whole period, and the electric providers ate the cost because when you’re averaging out spikes across millions of kwh, it won’t lead to bankruptcy.