Giver of skulls

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Joined 101 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 1923

  • This was much less of an issue back when you couldn’t open a bank account in someone’s name from halfway across the world. Phishing and identity theft were impossible to pull off until companies started trusting phone services and later the internet. You needed to show up in person with a realistic fake ID to do anything malicious. What else would you do? Spend (converted into modern currency) 25 bucks a minute on an international call to scam someone?

    Now that nobody meets face to face for stuff like cashing a cheque or even ordering a large quantity of groceries anymore, the few bits of personal information we can use to prove our identity are the only things protecting us.

  • Because you’re not paying extra for those problems to get fixed. And no, when you receive millions of forms per day, not every piece of feedback makes it back to someone to actually fix the issue. Especially when half those issues are “when I don’t have internet I don’t receive new emails”.

    Software, like hardware, is a balance between supply and demand. People would rather pay less for a phone crammed full of ads than pay for a service. Just look at YouTube for that one.

    Also, those clunky interfaces are there for a reason. Maybe the interface element that’s a lot better doesn’t work in right to left languages. Maybe the information overload of too many buttons and labels made the old interface impossible to extend. Maybe the prettier solution doesn’t work with screen readers or with the font size and colour cranked up for people with low vision. Maybe the feature redesign worked great but SomeCorp Tweaker Software will bluescreen the machine when it finds the word “checkbox” in a settings page for your mouse. Maybe the design team had a great idea but the feature needs to ship next week so whatever needs to happen to make that works happens, and the five other features planned for the month already eat up the rest of the dev team’s time anyway.

    But most of the time, things are suboptimal because there are seven teams of people working on features on the same screen/system/application and they need to make do.

    If you have serious issues with some software, many companies will let you partner with them. In exchange for hundreds of thousands or millions, you can directly get support for your use cases, your workflow, and the stuff you need to get done, over the billions of other people that also need to use the software. And sometimes, that means your super duper expensive preference/feature/demand means someone else’s workflow is entirely broken.

    If you know what you want, there is a way out: going the way of open source and self hosted. Within a few years, you too will grow resentful of dozens of systems made by different people all interpreting standards differently and not working together. You have the power to fix each and every feature, bug, problem, and design flaw, but none of the time or the detailed knowledge. You don’t have the money to pay experts, and even if you did, what they do may not entirely suit you either. Trying to fix everything will drive you absolutely mad. And that’s why companies and people often don’t try for perfection.

  • All the terrible quality and human rights violations also apply to any other Chinese shop as well as Amazon or whatever your local Amazon equivalent is. I’ve found the exact same shit sold on Temu in physical store shelves for those cost-saving stores. The entire supply chain is fucked.

    I do order shit directly from China, but only if I need something specific like phone parts or electronics that I see “local” shops carry with the exact same photos, descriptions, and pictures, for twice or triple the price. I’ve fallen for that trick too many times, I’ll go straight to the source now.

    At least the Temu shit isn’t as bad as buying chocolate or clothes…

  • I’ve had similar issues with getting CSS tables to lay out properly in Chrome. Worked fine in IE/Edge/Firefox/WebKit but Chrome just randomly threw a fit and rearranged items for no reason, even the Javascript engine agreed with me that the tables should look like they were supposed to but they just didn’t when rendered.

    My experience with SVGs in Firefox is that Firefox supports pretty much every basic features, but it expects the SVGs to be up to spec. As it turns out, a lot of SVGs on the web rely on quirks and side effects and you only find out they’re technically invalid when digging deep into the spec. Them behaving differently whether or not there’s an img tag around them also doesn’t help, and I’ve run into a few files using SVG features that only worked in some Adobe product and Chrome (only on desktop, IIRC) .

    Getting browsers to work consistently still sucks, even when it’s not nearly as big a problem as it was fifteen years ago. I totally get why people don’t test for Firefox. We didn’t use to test for Safari for the very same reason; practically none of our end users used it and there are no usable cross platform browsers to test with even if they were, so we’d probably tell them to download Chrome anyway. Safari mostly worked well enough that if someone decided to pull out an iPad during demos it didn’t completely fail and that was food enough. Firefox only worked because devs preferred its superior web development tools.

  • Pro: it’ll probably work well enough to get your notifications and maybe even your heart rate and stuff.

    Con: it probably won’t arrive. If it does, it probably won’t look like in the pictures if it does, it probably won’t work like described. If it does, it probably has done kind of cheep, toxic chemicals it’ll leave in your arm. If it doesn’t, it’ll probably come with an app that drains your battery. If it doesn’t, it probably sells your live location and notifications to data brokers. If it doesn’t, it’ll probably never receive software updates. If it does, it’ll probably be broken by the end of the year.

    There are actually a few relatively cheap smart watches that some people like to reprogram with open source firmware. You can get a Colmi P8 or a Kenboro K9 for less than $30 and flash WaspOS onto it. You have to get lucky and buy the right hardware revision but flashing new firmware onto those things can be as simple as downloading an app and loading a file into it. These devices are underpowered and software availability is limited, but at least with the open source stuff you can rest easy about your data not being sold.

  • Obviously China’s meddling with academic discourse is troubling, but what universities accept busts for random political activists? I don’t think I’ve ever seen any bust in universities that weren’t of people of great importance to the university itself.

    I also completely get universities not wanting to deal with the anger and outrage of nationalist Chinese expats. They can get real angry when you go against Chinese propaganda, probably a result of many years of brainwashing by the Chinese government in their youth. It just takes one weirdo to deface a statue and suddenly you’re in the middle of a massive controversy and need to either file charges (and deal with angry Chinese people) or not (and deal with angry people opposing China’s dictatorial regime).

    I’m anti-CCP but that doesn’t mean I’ll accept a bust it a Chinese human rights activist.

  • The possibilities are limited and the legal responsibilities untenable. It’s a fun idea, though! Technically there’s nothing preventing you from distributing WiFi access points in your neighbourhoods and having everyone hook up their home network into a local, shared mesh for instance.

    With a private IP address range (probably best to use IPv6 to prevent conflicts there, but you can try to allocate private IPv4 addresses if you like a challenge) you can even have your own internet next to the normal internet and use both.

  • I’ve never worked for a company with the shitty HR people complain about online. Must be a regional thing.

    I don’t have the expectation that HR will always be there to protect you (though one company I’ve worked for had HR that actively fought upper management for things like raises and pension stuff). HR is there so the company, and by extension everyone in the company, can do their work properly. If you have a conflict at work, they’re not obligated to be on your side.

  • Some TLDs do. Others don’t. Most commercial ones have very few restrictions. Country code TLDs like .ai or .io or .af may cause issues. I believe .cat is only meant for Catalan content, for instance.

    I wouldn’t put any porn or feminist activism on the Tslibsn’s TLD (.af) and a whole bunch of other countries may not be compatible with other types of websites either.

    It’s rare that anyone checks, but if you violate the rules and someone reports you, you may be in trouble. Most domain registrars also have rules about your registration contact (name, address, etc.) be accurate and inaccurate information may be enough reason to take your domain from you.

    If you buy a domain, you’re presented with terms of service. Read them and you’ll know the rules that apply.

  • The Fediverse is a terrible name that only pushes people away. I’d welcome the change of name.

    However, the Fediverse was never just about ActivityPub either. The old GnuSocial protocol ActivityPub is based on is also part of the Fediverse. So is XMPP and I suppose by extension Matrix. Like it or not, ATProto is part of the Fediverse too, even though most Fediverse software doesn’t speak it. Services can speak multiple protocols, they don’t need to restrict themselves to just ActivityPub.

    ActivityPub folks are probably the largest group of people actually developing an interoperable social media network, though. ATProto is federated but small servers don’t stand a chance against the Bluesky firehose (hundreds of gigabytes of content per day on bad days!) because the protocol is based around “large servers talk to other large servers”. Other federating protocols simply don’t really care much about activism anymore.

    Nobody is taking the “social web” away from your IRC channels and your NNTP news groups and your SMTP mailing lists. You can still call them the social web. And frankly, it would be wonderful if more ActivityPub services would speak NNTP because both share the same goals. “I also used to have a social web” doesn’t conflict with “ActivityPub is part of the social web”.