Podcast ep this morning talked about a murder that required six knives because they kept breaking. Meanwhile, you can drink too much and drive home and take out a whole family.
Podcast ep this morning talked about a murder that required six knives because they kept breaking. Meanwhile, you can drink too much and drive home and take out a whole family.
Reliable software. It’s a thing of the past.
Become a celebrity and say it in a soundbite on national television. His fragile ego will force a response.
Outside of that, prolly not.
Racism is cool because it let’s you be racist. /s
I think it’s great that the UK stepped on their dick and this made big news in the tech world. I don’t know if it got any play in more mainstream news, but it highlighted the dangers of over-regulation.
I’m typically pro-regulation, btw. I’m not a libertarian fuck-nut. Privacy is also cool, is what I’m saying.
Yeah, sleepovers were awkward late at night or early in the morning due to my insomnia / bi-polar. Everyone always wanted to sleep and I wanted to just hang out.
This makes me sad because I assume Hector is deeply demoralized. I’ve seen him as a hero since he started the Asahi project. I know nothing about him other than working on Asahi, Asahi worked when I installed it last year, and this blow-up last week or so and now. Maybe he’s a terrible person. I just see his technical work (and all the other devs contributing to the project) and I know this would make me lose steam if I were in his shoes.
Comfort. I got into Atoms during the pan. At the time, they let you order different sized shoes because most people have slightly different sized feet. I got 10.5" on the right, 10.75" on the left. Best shoes I’ve ever owned.
I assume they’re having financial problems because they stopped allowing that and they haven’t replenished inventory for my sizes for six months or longer.
Yes, you’re getting it. /s but also not /s
He is against non-whites. He’s being perfectly consistent.
Homelessness. But I don’t occasionally think about it. I see it every day. In the richest nation in recorded history.
I had this problem when I was going through some shit (bi-polar) more than a decade ago. My shrink asked me if I could take a medical leave from work to figure out what meds would be the best fit. After initially declining, I accepted that I couldn’t go on and took a medical leave for 90 days (protected in California).
We got me stabilized on fewer meds and my situation drastically improved. My job was still hell, and that eventually broke me, but I would have spun out harder and faster (suicide, I’m pretty sure), without dialing in the meds. Quitting that job was one of the most substantial decisions of my life. (I still attempted suicide later, but that was a product of abandoning treatment, not failure of treatment.)
Treatment can work. It can be hard to get it right. Also, bingo, mother fuckers!
Thanks for the feedback / update.
Because there’s very limited food choices if you don’t have a lot of money. I agree, someone with this condition should not drive, but that doesn’t mean life is livable in USA without a car. In many places, there is no public transport. This would essentially be a sentence of poverty.
That said, I can afford to have this condition, I do take Uber when drunk, there’s reasonable public transit where I live. I’m not trying to excuse drunk driving (I say this as a DUI guy twenty years ago). I’m saying that what you just said wouldn’t make sense to some people because of restrictions they can’t control. It’s too bad our society doesn’t care more about people to solve some / all of these problems.
You made me think of this video: Parrot Starts Dancing At Party
I was gonna ask why, but the dog doesn’t have wind blowing in his face. Still, the dog is happy to see other people.
I’ve been a paying supported of Asahi since the Patreon launched. I’m curious to hear why you think it is “best” for consumers and servers?
I’ve only installed Asahi one time, just to kick the tires. I think I reverted to MacOS after about two days. I’m a MacOS guy first, Linux second, but I love choice and want Linux on Apple hardware, thus I love Asahi. I’m more of a spectator (on Apple silicon; I’ve run Linux on x86 for a decade), so any insight is appreciated.
This is a week after someone tried to nerf Rust in the kernel. I hate shit like this.
I wonder if this guy has paperwork that explains his condition. Because it isn’t widely known, I don’t expect any cop would accept it as legitimate. What an unfortunate situation.
I hate that I like this. The gate thing is super overused. But this one works.