I can read it many times, but I can’t understand it for you. TDS is an amorphism of BDS. Try again.
I can read it many times, but I can’t understand it for you. TDS is an amorphism of BDS. Try again.
5 seconds of google.
The origin of the term is traced to Charles Krauthammer, a conservative political columnist, commentator, and psychiatrist, who coined the phrase Bush derangement syndrome in 2003 during the presidency of George W. Bush. That “syndrome” was defined by Krauthammer as “the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency—nay—the very existence of George W. Bush”.[9][10][11][12] The first use of the term Trump derangement syndrome may have been by Esther Goldberg in an August 2015 op-ed in The American Spectator; she applied the term to “Ruling Class Republicans” who are dismissive or contemptuous of Trump.[13] Krauthammer, in an op-ed commented that—in addition to general hysteria about Trump—the “Trump Derangement Syndrome” was the “inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and … signs of psychic pathology”.[12]
Conservatives 100% coined TDS.
He did, you knuckle dragger. Learn to read.
You are smoking crack.
Lol it’s so anti-communist to be anti-tankie. /s
Only the fall of Weimar Republic, and the 12 years or so after that. Everything else is woke nonsense to him, I am sure.
It’s vague, specifically so they can invoke it against any child they consider part of the “out group”- like trans, n/b, autistic, developmentally handicapped, socially handicapped, awkward, queer, “strange,” brown, wrong religion, wrong clothes, wrong facial expression… the list can go on. The cruelty is the point. Fascists are literally comic levels of evil. If you are not one of “them” you are evil, bad, and need removed. Same for the ideologically impure. Shit is going to get extremely crazy within the next few months to year.
“Someone” almost guaranteed to be Musk. The dude already has access to every sensitive US system, and his little goose-steppers likely are digging for dirt on anyone and everyone, so he can continue to expand his control over the country.
God, I wish so much that this Nazi shit stain would suffer a PE and just fall over dead.
I abhor AI on principle. This is the best use of AI I have ever seen so far. Just look at those hogs!
No, the entire south is just where they all flee, since they can claim they are being “persecuted for my belief in GAWD” and the religious idiots just never question it. Despite the fact that they are a member of the most popular cult in the world, and the defacto religion of the US… Then when they start doing the same thing down south, the community will rally around their religious leader instead of kicking them out. Religion is a cancer.
Well, thanks for the new point of view. I might re-watch it at some point in life- if I do, I’ll try it with this mind set.
I appreciate the perspective! Gotta say though, Jesus that’s some deep-level dark comedy that I just don’t understand. I was watching it as more of an art piece, and less of a commentary. I still don’t like it, but I never thought of it in this light.
Yes, please. 52 years old, and dying after one super night.
“There Will be Blood” was one of the most drab, boring, washed out, and damn near unwatchable movies of all time, yet everyone claims it’s a masterpiece. It’s just a story of a man becoming richer than god, and going off the deep-end, culminating in a scene where his adopted kid tells him how much they hate him, and him murdering someone in a misguided fit of rage. None of the characters are relatable, redeeming or interesting. The script has like a grand total of 1000 words across the entire 2.5 hour run time, and none of it is particularly compelling. What a snooze fest.
If the events happened at that time, why would it matter? The fact that they sold off 2 decades ago isn’t changing.
bring a dose of reality…
I mean, Russian talking points are reality for a certain subgroup, I’ll give you that.
And the phrase “Can be traced back to” is more definitive than you seem to think. Guess we’re at an impasse, since you lack reading comprehension.