• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • To be fair he did say teenage behavior, and I know I said and did some truly awful shit as a teenager. My parents sacrificed a ton for me, and I was just a petty and ungrateful brat tweeting shit like “a homeless man would be a better dad”

    Makes me sick just typing that out and knowing that at one point, I said it with my chest.

    I’ve definitely gone to my parents and apologized for the fucked up stuff I said and some of the worse things I did. Because sometimes it is the kid.

    I was depressed, and dealing with undiagnosed anxiety but that’s not an excuse to say hateful, cruel things, probably just because they said no to going to the mall or something.

    I’m 27 now and my dad and I are just starting to get back to having a normal relationship where we talk about things other than like, my taxes or my car maintenance. We can chat now, and talk like a father and daughter.

    So in regards to OP…idk what his situation was but maybe the apology was warranted. But for her to still be digging her heels in…yeah it might be time to just lay it out and be like “Hey, I really want to mend our relationship. Are you interested in doing that? Because if you are not I would rather know so that we can both find peace.”

  • i’ve had the same thought as you.

    i regularly use the sub tab. i watch youtube on weekends while i clean, so usually on friday i’ll check my home page a few times throughout the day, see if there are any interesting recommendations and save them to my watch later.

    then in the evening i do one more home page scroll, then i slowly scroll my subs page and make sure i save anything that looks interesting to my watch later. then i might watch one or two videos from my WL that evening and i watch the rest (or what i can fit in) over the weekend.

    I don’t get the point of subbing to a channel if you aren’t checking your subs tab. Like…that’s why it’s there lol bc the home page is a bunch of recommendations

  • As someone who smoked Camels for years and is now just as addicted to vaping, there are no benefits. Zero.

    When I smoked cigs, I stank constantly. Even if I sprayed perfume or had a mint. My fingers always smelled.

    I did 12 straight years of choir, but now I have a much smaller vocal range. I’m not as active because I get winded. Now that I vape and have constant access, I get cranky after like 30 minutes of no nicotine.

    My blood pressure is higher. I can’t be on the type of birth control that gives me less side effects because my smoking makes it higher risk.

    I’m raising my risk of cancer. I’m spending a fuckton of money on flavored air.

    There is literally no positive and I wish I had never touched it.

  • What you describe as the “issue” is the entire point of lemmy and decentralizing and all that.

    once lemmy starts dictating “oh you have to change things in this community in this instance to match this instance” and “everything has to follow one master set of rules” they become reddit.

    honestly the best way to solve your issue would just be multireddits, if you wanna see content from both communities just add it to a multilem or whatever they end up calling it.

  • first was an ipod touch, when i was in middle school i think?

    favorite so far has probably been just my iphone, i started with a 5 and now im on a 12 pro max with about 6 months until i can upgrade

    i’ve loved the evolution of ios, and doing the betas and seeing how far it’s come i still remember when the first iphone came out when i was in like 6th grade and my friend got one, and we thought the most simple shit was the coolest most futuristic thing we had ever seen

    i really do love my macbook pro though. can’t say it’s my favorite cause i’ve had an iphone so much longer and i have my whole life on there, but using windows my whole life, then trying a chromebook during my Pixel 3 phase, and then finally getting a macbook has been wonderful