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Joined 9 days ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2025


  • They won’t have your back when push comes to shove.

    Not only that, but every historical example I can think of clearly demonstrates that Russia have only ever considered any nation falling under their sway as vassals, at best - a resource to be exploited for Russian gain. I know of no evidence that Russia even understands the notion of win-win situations; they’ve always been transactional zero-sum gamers. No wonder Trump likes them so much.

    Up until recently, that was - from the perspective of a minor state caught between large players - one of the primary differences between the US on one hand and Russian on the other, with China waffling somewhere in between. Sure, the US threw their weight around too, but at least they had the good sense to ensure that those on their team got sufficient benefits out of it that people wanted to stay on the team.

    Then Trump went and fucked that up royally seven ways to Sunday.

    Now, if someone wants free trade and a chance of peace and prosperity, there’s really only the EU left.

  • It must be nice to be amoral, unburdened by principles, unshackled by intellectual honesty and unhampered by hypocrisy: They can shamelessly do anything and still sleep like a baby when they’re done.

    “Hey I can reduce the amount of stress I feel by unilaterally make other people feel x10 as much, but that sounds like a their kind of problem. Pft. Taking responsibility for my own life? What am I, some sort of adult?”

    It’s the core of the criminal mind-set: That somebody else should non-consensually pay the price for the criminal’s actions.

  • wwb4itcgas@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWhoa.
    4 days ago

    I might as well give up on sanity now and save what little yet remains, by lulling myself into the delusion that Trump’s statement implies not that he’s a dribbling moron, but that he’s well-acquainted with Leonard Susskind’s work on the Holographic principle.

    Shit no. Unlike the MAGA’s I’m not mentally flexible enough for that level of gymnastics, and I may just have sprained my brain. Send help.