• 3 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 21st, 2024

  • The word is ‘atheist’, you got the e and i mixed up.

    I have not acted like an asshole, I have just pointed out facts, while the other called religion cancer. How am I the supposed asshole? Not giving in to bad arguments is not “acting like an asshole.”

    I also do not view anyone beneath me, that’s a mean insinuation and most likely the beginning of a fabulous strawman.

    insert themselves in academia where they don’t belong

    What would that be an what does that have to do with anything I wrote?

    I hate both religous people and athiests

    Hating people is a bad thing.

  • A better inner-life is possible without intermixing it with intangible hocus pocus. Calling something “spiritual” or retracting to it beeing “culture” is often used as protection against criticism and I see you do it here. Something can be culture and still be criticized or called out for what it actually is. Slavery has been part of pretty much every culture at some point. Would you call me arrogant when I say it’s still inhumane and criminal behaviour? And thats what I do. It’s been culture for centuries, but all the time, it was also “taking drugs, feeling like beeing part of something bigger charged with magical thinking”.

    edit: All you say about spirituality can be said about religion. It helps people and gives them purpose and has been culture for thousands of years. Yet, you say

    religion is a cancer

    Isn’t that way more disrespectful, dismissive and arrogant that what I am doing? Whats your measure here?

  • I’ve found the du command (but with other flags) and it led me to some old snapshots that took up a good chunk of space. du -sch revealed some 5gb of junk in my download folder, so that was a good call too ;D

    zypper clean did not too much, but I got ~40gb of space back, so thats nice. I’ll probably try to replace some of the not so close to the system stuff with flatpaks. Thats a thing I wanted to dive deeper into anyways.

    For podman, I only just installed it because I wanted to learn more about container / docker stuff (it’s part of my daily professional life, but I always feel like I don’t actually know anything about it), so theres nothing to be removed. It was just the package that made me aware of the little space I had left on my disk.

    Thanks, you’ve been a great help :)