I know this isn’t exactly a meme, but I had to share and this community seemed most appropriate- from my daughter’s 8th grade social studies text. Digital and yet already woefully out of date thanks to SCOTUS.
I know this isn’t exactly a meme, but I had to share and this community seemed most appropriate- from my daughter’s 8th grade social studies text. Digital and yet already woefully out of date thanks to SCOTUS.
Sadly most textbooks are pretty out of date. It already was like that when i went to 8th grade in 198x ( fuck, I’m really too tired to do the math now ).
I went to school in 4 different countries, one of the things in common were biased out of date textbooks.
Edit: this shouldn’t be a thing. Seriously, a good education all around is the only thing to turn this world into a better place in the long term.
I agree, but this particular change was because of the SCOTUS decision this summer and I laughed out loud when I read it. My daughter didn’t know why, so I explained it to her. I’m glad I get to do social studies with her as a “learning coach” for her online school. I get to teach her what’s utter bullshit.
(She’s not homeschooled, it’s a public school with real teachers. Paid better than most teachers in the state I might add, so they’re pretty decent. It’s just online… but it does require a parent or guardian to monitor things.)
Why not school and learn social skills with peers?
Because the “social skills” she learned with her peers was to be the most bullied kid in the school because she dared to do things like dress in punky clothes and be queer and she couldn’t take it anymore. She literally broke down one morning and said she could not go to the school one more day. She was already doing stuff like self-harming.
Now she has more self-esteem and is more social than she had been before.
So sure, she could go back and learn those social skills some more. I’d rather she not end up a suicide victim though.