Trump supporters be like: “Um, ackchually, Trump wants to lower taxes, maybe only for the billionaires, but they can invest that into new jobs instead of paying for the state. Even if he outlawed homosexuality or transgenderism, a next president can re-legalize it!” (The last one was a real conversation I had with my mother about the child protection law of Fidesz, which so far seems only protecting the sensibilities of her boyfriend, who often makes such homophobic rants on disgust, you immediately know the real motive wasn’t the protection of children, unless you call childishly homophobic men children.)
Yeah I don’t know, like Harris isn’t perfect enough yet for me. She hasn’t danced to my tune yet /“undecided” voter
As a European,
Like how can you ask for perfection when you have so much BS going on in a country
As a fellow European I’m equally baffled.
True, the Harris-Walz ticket isn’t amazing on all fronts and atrocious in some. But even their turd sandwich is better than whatever the GQP has cooked up. And there’s a tiny chance at progressivism with the Dems, but none with the Rs.
glances at the state of European politics
How can you talk shit when Kier Starmer, Emanuel Macron, and Olaf Schultz are your idea of good-enough liberal compromise? And why do these liberal centrists (in the US and Europe both) keep producing larger and larger factions of popular fascist movements?
Liberals have made “perfect” synonymous with “good”. Candidates like Corbyn and Melancion were the compromise, but y’all couldn’t resist selling your democracies down the river for another decade of dirt cheap imports.
Not at all. In general the political climate is terrible. I can talk shit because I’m not afraid to do so. You see I do have rights, and that’s something Americans are about to lose. That worries me.
And chosing between two evils is a bad position to be in, but they can still chose. What I don’t understand is why the American people are so reluctant to choose for freedom under democracy, albeit shabby, over a dictatorship with a senile maniac that hasn’t worked a day in his life. He’s everything parents warn children about, yet the parents still chose him. Wtf?
You see I do have rights, and that’s something Americans are about to lose.
I’ve seen this dogged insistence that Americans have rights but an election can take them away and all I can think of is the Iraq War Protesters, the OWS protesters, the Climate Change protesters, the Pro-Choice activists, LGBT activists, and the anti-Genocide protesters who have all seen police action against them.
You’re not about to lose your rights. You’re simply going to be subjected to a level of enforcement traditionally reserved for ethnic, religious, social minorities, labor organizers, and other broadly defined “Leftists”.
And chosing between two evils is a bad position to be in, but they can still chose.
The choice is an illusion in a system as degraded as the American democracy. Even at the most superficial level, you’re telling people they have a choice of who to support when the Electoral College clearly denies them this privilege. If you live in Texas, you’ll be counted as a Trump supporter whether you are or not. If you live in California, you’re counted to Harris. The swing states are exactly that - all or nothing. Individual voices don’t matter.
And that’s before you get into the decades of legalized disenfranchisement, vote caging, and voter intimidation that have shaped the results in states like Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina. Florida has the single largest number of disenfranchised voters - 1.1M people, roughly 1 in 14 eligible voters. They are legally disqualified from casting a ballot in the state, overwhelmingly biased against ethnicity. Then you’ve got places like DC and Puerto Rico, which are fully disenfranchised at the Congressional level and only tangentially represented in the EC, via ex-pat voters and the 23rd amendment.
This isn’t lesser of two evils, its a ratchet. Dems backstop progress with legalistic delays and poor leadership. GOPs ram ahead in direct violation of law and precedent, then face no consequences other than a brief sabbatical from high office during wave years. The end result is a consistent march towards fascism.
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And even if I shot my left ball the hospital would be free.
Ah you shot your left bal too… Hate it when that happens.
They’ll have a to-do list for sure. Are they going to do it, that’s a whole different question.
They’ll have a to-do list for sure.
Send another $25B to Israel for… uh… things. Subsidize the tech sector’s enormous investments in AGI, so that those businesses and find new and exciting ways to remove adults from the workforce and replace them with substandard algorithms. Open more public lands up for industrial scale mining, particularly for fossil fuels, which will then be privatized and refined to sell to our energy hungry geopolitical allies in Europe and East Asia. Continue escalating militarily with every member of the BRICS, engaging in a slew of violations of international law (from surveillance to torture to civilian bombings) while beating our chest and declaring we are the champions of liberty and justice. Tax cuts! Domestic spending cuts! Privatization of public services!
Maybe we’ll get around to doing something for legalizing abortions specifically in blue states, if we can work it into the schedule.
If Trump wins, it’s not as simple as that. Which means that when he eventually discovers he still doesn’t have automatic fascist powers, he would immediately fall back to Project 2025. Which is why it is so foreboding -
Nobody’s ever been as mean to anyone as Bad Democrats are to poor trumpie :(
I’m a centrist! I can’t tell the difference between these statements!
Tbf he has the concept of a plan
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America has a two party system, and one of those parties is going to win.
Harris is predictable and most importantly, sane.
Trump is unpredictable and most importantly, he doesn’t even know what he is going to do.
With this in mind it seems American voters who do care about the plight of Palestinians must vote for the lesser of two evils. If you’re getting something evil you better choose the least evil right?
Unless you refuse to play the game, but nothing changes anyway.
Disclaimer: Not American, supports Palestine.
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I’m not German. I’m British.
I’m sorry that I can’t just go and overrule my government on their foreign policy, how lame of me.
Seriously, what you want me to do bro? You know nothing of my life and the actions I take in support of Palestine.
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I live in reality mate.
Trump or Harris are going to win. Trump will be worse for Palestine than Harris, it’s that simple.
If I tie you to a chair and tell you I’m either going to remove one of your eyes, both of your eyes, and if you don’t choose then I’ll remove both of them. I am sure you will reluctantly choose to have one of your eyes removed.
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I you talking hypothetically, like me, or are you threatening to do that?
If it’s the former, there’s isn’t a lot I could do about it and I would take up arms against Israel.
If you’re threatening me, then come to Manchester and you can try realise your dreams.
Yeah, let’s just “throw Trump in jail”! Duh! Why didn’t anybody else think of that?! You’re so smart and enlightened! Tell me, who should Americans vote for that would satisfy your gargantuan intelligence? Keep in mind that it’s either Harris or Trump (anyone else is a vote for Trump). Use your massive intellect to give us the solution so our frail minds don’t support genocide!
I would fucking love to throw that man in prison for one of his dozens of crimes, but I also recognize that I don’t have the power to do that. I do have some small amount of power over whether or not he goes into the fucking white house.
Did you just give me a new instance to block?
No, it’s just one persistent troll who keeps making new accounts on different instances when they get banned. This is like the fourth instance they’ve used.
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Yawn. Your trolling is lame.
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Items on Harris’s to-do list:
Her website has an actual list:
Is reading just not your thing?
There are much worse agendas than doing nothing.
If Harris’s entire agenda was “enter cryo-sleep pod in deepest basement of White House for 4 years, sign nothing into law and conduct no diplomacy” I would vote for her over Trump any day of the week.
you missed few things
- bomb more children, women but this time take full credit
- full on fracking freedom to oil companies
- suck up to more war criminals like cheneys
- let mega corps and lobbyists leech of americans
oh wait i think she just copied trumps list. if there was any justice they will be both in jail for life and rot in hell in afterlife.
I’m not a fan of the Democratic Party (though I did vote for the lesser fascist this time), but that statement isn’t entirely fair to them. Yes, the Dems will do all those bullet points, but they’ll do that while paying lip service to women and LGBT, and that makes all the difference.
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Sadly some people think “revenge” is a good enough platform to qualify sometime for the top office. As long as the revenge is at least pretending to target people they already don’t like or that they’ve been programmed to think had wronged them in some way.
High school mentality.
Lorde’s “Yellow Flicker Beat” sounds like it was written for this guy.
Most Trump supporters don’t seem to realize that he wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire. Well, unless they’re members of Mar-a-Lago. I think that’s included in the membership, but I’m gonna guess that job gets delegated to Don Jr. or Eric.
He has concepts of revenge.
Unfortunately, Project 2025 is a whole book/organisation devoted to getting effective permanent revenge.
It’s basically a playbook on how to skirt and break the law in a way not likely to incite a counter revolution.
Sadly a lot of people unironically think that these captions should be reversed, because revenge = violence and that’s Chad af and helping others is for wusses, or something
Also, hundreds of years of prosperity gospel. If you’re poor or suffering, then you must have done something wrong because God is punishing you. If you’re thriving, then you must be good because God is rewarding you. That’s one reason why the police go after poor people more heavily. There more likely to pull over an old beater car than they are a new pickup truck. So if you want to commit crimes just drive a newer truck because they won’t even look at you. Even better if you put a thin line sticker somewhere.
Not “hundreds of years”, don’t let them make you think it’s old. The idea that “God wants you to be wealthy and healthy and being poor and sick is because you displeased God” only really goes back to the start of the last century, and gained a lot of traction with the Jesus People type revivals in the 70s, when faith healing became a serious mainstream thing in the US. The larger portion of devout US Christians were largely fairly apolitical to left-leaning until about the 50s.
I think it does have some roots from back in the puritan settler days where hard work was a virtue.
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That’s why tankies don’t want to support kamala.
It’s painfully clear by now that Gaza is just a trump card for them to whine about. It sucks.
That’s why tankies don’t want to support kamala.
“That” being the promises in the meme? I don’t understand why that would make them not support Kamala.
So lemme break things down…
Trump would turn the Israeli genocide of Palestine up to 11… MFKN TURBOMODE9000 GENOCIDE.
I’m figuring that must be what the tankies want to happen.
Or maybe you can figure out how voting for a third party that won’t win (I fucking promise you they won’t) ISNT helping trump out.
They’re leveraging a genocide to fuck with people’s emotions to manipulate things. It’s gross. Tankies are gross.
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That’s so incredibly racist 😎
Well given that Acceleration is a go-to Tankie power move…
Do they have any other moves?
All I see is low-brow agitprop that is extremely easy to parse…
You call them out, there are 2 scenarios;
If you’re in tankie space they dogpile you because they can’t defend their ideas with reason.
Outside of tankie space they target your emotions try to make you feel bad because their arguments are never about thinking or logic, always emotions. It’s because they are weak to their core and all the false strength is a show.
It would be cute if they weren’t so smelly.
Their real move is believing that they will be high and dry when the world is flooded by a flavor of fascism they’re comfortable with. Only to wind up surprised when the state quota for poets was met ages ago, but they need plenty of miners…
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The results of this election should look like those rigged Central American dictatorship elections. So ashamed that so many of my fellow Americans can’t get the mental health help they obviously need.