• Wolf Link 🐺@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    There is a nice medium-sized forest where I live, just a stone’s throw away from the last paved path of the town. People would drive there with mountainbikes strapped on their car’s roof or back, then change into the most pretentious setup of “biker gear”, then cycle a round or two along the marked trail, change back into regular clothes, strap their mountainbikes back onto the car and drive home.

    The same with joggers, power walkers carrying weights, people walking their obviously healthy dogs* and the like. Bonus points for when they also blasted music while doing so. I never understood how they just didn’t see the irony / hypocrisy.

    * Footnote: I can understand two scenarios:

    • The dog is sick and/or really old and the trip TO the forest might be too exhausting for the poor beast

    • It’s so hot that walking over pavement would hurt their paws.

    A healthy, energetic dog however should be able to walk the 10-ish minutes across town. No need to drive an effing jeep to the forest then.