Naturally occurring holidays like the equinoxes and solstices?
And in temperate climates, the first day of spring and Harvest feasts, marked in different cultures in different natural ways.
The first day of the naturally occuring spring, occuring naturally at a set number of days after the solstice.
You can recognize it from the skybox changing color.: looks out the window in the upper Midwest:
Darn. My version must be glitched.
You have a divide by cucumber error. Reinstall your universe and exerting should sort itself out.
The first day of spring is the equinox.
Au contraire, nature is quite ignorant of the astronomical equinox.
For nature, things like the Cherry blossoms, the blooming of the magnolia tree and the awakening of the Bumble bee are the ways nature indicates when Spring has started.
Harvest season and autumn are more typically defined by brown leaves, ripe pumpkins and ripe cider apples.
There’s a holiday for horses???
Count me in!
No no - equinoxes
Those little furry things they have in the desert.
Get out of here with your science!
I actually like these ones the best. My family used to have cool solstice gatherings with some friends. There was always a lemon poppyseed cake, and lots of candles.
Equinoxes and solstices are natural, the holidays/celebrations are created by us
To be fair, I find all of them equally stupid. Only ones I like are those that give a free day at work, and only for that reason.
Heh yea same, I don’t really care if it’s Leif Erikson Day or Give Mr. Krabs All Your Money Day, I just need to know if it’s a day off or not LMAO
Though some are fun, like Valentine’s Day often serves as a perfect excuse to have a date night with my SO (though we often tend to actually do it a couple days after or before to avoid everyone else doing Valentine’s Day date nights lolol (unless there’s a good deal ofc))
(unless there’s a good deal ofc)
There is not. Handing out discounts on one of the biggest consumersim-fueled dates in the year is just not maximizing profit and hence not fit for capitalistic environment.
In the civilised world, it’s not called a holiday unless you get a day off work
What if they come with blowing shit up? (we Statesians love our holidays)
What do you mean, it’s right there in the wild.
February 14th is my birthday so of course I hate Valentine’s Day, I can’t hang out with my friends 'cause they’re hanging with their girlfriends, and if I’m in a relationship I have to go buy flowers and stuff the day of my birthday instead of just chilling and playing videogames which I honestly prefer. And don’t get me started on people assuming I like everything heart shaped and stuff…
If these two events were a separate thing I’d probably be OK with Valentine’s Day TBH.
I just decided your birthday is June 5, if you want to use it
I’ll accept it but you’ll have to send me a happy birthday message.
On the other hand Lupercalia has a long standing history. Sacrifice a goat. (just getting some snaks together for the party). Run a race, good fun and competition. Consensual spanking with goat skin whips, good clean fun.
I like Arbor Day, nobody can agree what day it is, but everyone likes the idea of picking a day in spring to plant a few trees
We’re supposed to "plant* them!? I’ve been cutting them down! I dry the wood, then carve a thoughtful memorial to trees…
Made up CORPORATE holiday, just like Sweetest Day. We don’t even get it off!
You don’t need a day to tell that special someone how you feel, just do it!
I love you, @fartswithanaccent, ever since I saw you call out Sweetest Day
Aw shucks lol
Here we see the spawning grounds of the Pagan holidays, where a young holiday is learning to walk. But wait, in comes it’s natural predator the Christian holiday. The Holiday struggles for a bit, but it is in vain…
I refer to it as Singles Awareness Day. For the obvious reason.
Back in college it used to be “go to the Olive Garden alone and make the waitress uncomfortable” day.
Ah, the ol’ ‘Just how endless are the salad and bread’ trick .
Awareness is why I’m drinking…
Too late, Corporate China reserved November 11 (because it’s all 1s) for that, and western corporations are starting to follow it too.
True. I’ve find the Easter Bunny in the wild, last spring .
Best free chocolate ever.
If green you can actually eat them as a survival tactic.
The solstices would like a word.
Lunar New Year too.
Where in the world is Valentine’s Day a holiday?
What do you mean?
Holiday implies a public holiday, as in people get the day off from work and school. Otherwise I wouldn’t call it a holiday.
Woildn’t the fact that the phrase “public holiday” is widely used imply the exact opposite of what you said?
What does holiday mean if not to take a break?
Okay, I looked this up. It’s mostly used in Australia and UK to mean a day off from work. In America you use it to mean celebration.
Yeah I suppose, I guess I consider it a holiday myself simply because it’s a day that I celebrate
My grandpa used to break up with my grandma to avoid having to buy gifts for her, then get back together after lol
You sure he was actually your grandpa? Cause if I go back nine months from your parent’s birthday…
Smart guy.
Happy Ishtar !
I mean happy Easter not the pagan orgy holiday represented by eggs and rabbits etc that we all participate in for some reason
Don’t complain if you get a day off