Vice believes making a serious article about a nonsensical “movement” will generate enough outrage clicks to save their ailing business.
Much like all of Facebook’s current business they’ve also realized that people don’t need to actually exist in any real capacity to get the outrage addicts to make rage clicks.
That goes under “making up somebody to be mad at” to me.
Right?? Shit’s so transparent it’s actually a synthetic aerogel.
That Vice post is older than gen A at this point
Gaia is the OG MILF. 🤤
Can’t help but think of the time Rick Sanchez fucked a planet and knocked it up.
Fucked it, yes. Knocked it up, no. That was the Zeus
Did that happen in one of the newer seasons‽ I need to catch the fuck up LMFAO
I believe that was a season 3 episode. I haven’t even really watched the show since Roiland was found to be a creep. First couple of episodes after he was replaced, to see how things went, but it just wasn’t nearly as funny.
Shit man how did you get rabies?
Weeell turns out that hole in mother nature I was fucking, contained a family of foxes that didn’t really appreciate the presence of my pickle
Asked earth for sex, but she only wanted to be friends.
Well, if it makes them happy.
If it’s good enough for Dalton Wilcox, it’s goddamn good enough for me
Thank you for reminding me of the poet laureate of the west. Now I’ll have “Vampire, vampire with teeth as sharp as barbed wire” stuck in my head again after a few years free from it.
Oh is that what we should be calling the dude from Saltburn?