The next years are going to be fun… The world is burning while the fossil fuel industry is chugging along like everything is great as long as you buy enough co2 credits.

I’m scared in what kind of world my children will have to live in…

    1 year ago

    Bad weather is also expensive AF. There’s a reason reinsurers such as MunichRE aren’t on the climate change denial train: They see the writing on the wall of not being able to back the insurers you buy your flood insurance from at a price point anyone could afford. If the damages become too high on aggregate, things simply become uninsurable (hence also why states don’t require nuclear plants to have insurance but back them themselves but that’s another can of hidden subsidy worms).

    People are talking about “but investment in climate-friendly technology costs money and we must think of the economy and prosperity” – motherfucker if you were thinking about prosperity and the economy you wouldn’t set us on a path towards cities being destroyed faster than we can build them. Broken window fallacy times a million.