• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I can only speak for myself, but as a gamer I don’t have a lot of complaints with gaming on linux. If most of your games are on steam they should work fine on linux thanks to proton (and steamdeck too). Sure, if you play a lot of multiplayer games where the anti-cheat doesn’t tolerate linux, then staying on windows is understandable. Outside of steam, there are other launchers, lutris and heroic, for example.

    I’m personally still dual booting, because one game that I played still doesn’t work on linux, but as I don’t play that game anymore nor have I booted to windows in like 6 months, I might as well get rid of windows once and for all.

  • I’ve returned to reddit a few times, mostly to just get an answer to a question I was trying to look up. But a few days ago I did make a new account, because I was feeling lonely and wanted to try and make new internet friends, and as far as I know, lemmy doesn’t yet have those penpal/chat/make friend communities. I had forgotten how ass the new account experience on reddit is, and how ass reddit itself is. I couldn’t get the verification email (tho that could have been due to trying to use a temporary email), posts got auto deleted due to account age and low karma, and random email and cookie popups that kept coming back. When one post miraculously did get posted (despite automod telling me it was deleted lol) and I got chat requests, I couldn’t even reply to people! I tried accepting the request, but kept getting an error. At this point I’m not sure if it is an actual error, or just reddit restricting new accounts from chatting, even if they are the ones the chat is sent to…

    I get that these are used to combat bots, but is it actually working? Mostly it’s just hurting people who legitimately want to join and enjoy the site. The karma requirements also bring in their own problems, like subreddits just focused on farming karma so that users can finally take part in the conversations they came for in the first place.

    I think people will get tired of the horrible new account creation and experience on reddit and look for alternatives. Lemmy seems to be more privacy orientated and without silly internet points anybody with a new account can immediately jump in on the action without restrictions, for better or worse.

  • Yes, because meeting people online is convenient, sometimes more realistic than meeting people irl, and sometimes it’s the only viable option to meet people, and because tinder is used pretty much everywhere and by a lot of people, it’s a better option than other dating sites/apps.

    It’s a fucking shit app to finding a life partner due to people leaving their bios empty, and a good number of people looking for short term fun, so finding a long term partner comes down to luck.

  • Of course everybody can learn, but is anyone teaching them? I’m a millennial, I grew up with computers, but I had to learn a lot of things the hard way because it was just expected that we’d somehow become experts without anyone teaching us. We weren’t told about cybersecurity, or how to troubleshoot issues, I had to learn all those things by myself. And learning to troubleshoot and other more technical things I only learned because I’m actually interested in computers. Many of my peers aren’t, and so don’t know even the most basic things.

  • Both know that I’m occasionally suicidal. Today I unfortunately didn’t have enough time to really talk to my social worker how bad exactly I’m feeling, but she knows the situation is dire and she’s looking into some things to try and help.

    I found some online friends a while back, and had some good discussions. Unfortunately I’m too tired or have a headache, so don’t feel like typing or calling. I also really miss just spending time with people irl. Even when my ex is home, he’s at his computer doing his own thing and doesn’t really want me there. I went out to dinner with coworkers and bosses last friday, and it was so much fun getting out of the house and being with people. It was worth the awful migraine afterwards. I just don’t really know anyone close by who I could go out with, even for a bit, and I’m a bit wary of meeting people right now, since I can’t necessarily take care of myself out there. I’m trying to do some of my hobbies, but yesterday I started feeling dizzy while sitting down, so I spend a lot of time just laying down and resting. I hate wasting my life like this…

    Thank you for your kinds words, the support and validation I get from people is really helping. I didn’t think it would, but it really does. Thank you.

  • The kitten luckily has tons of toys (half of them under the couch at the moment lol) and a whole other cat to play with, so with activity and social interaction, he is doing fine. He is also getting fed and his litterboxes get cleaned, just in case anybody is worried. Most of the damage comes from the kitten not understanding what he isn’t allowed to scratch, he has a flat plank on the floor, a ball and about a 2 m long scratching post, but both kitties just love scratching the doormat, as well as some exposed floor insulation(?).

    My ex said yesterday that he would not be hiring anyone. I discussed today with my social worker if I could get some help to clean, as somedays I struggle to stand up long enough to even make food for myself, she said she’d look into it, but both of us are not very optimistic that I’d get anything. I’m thinking of taking pics of the worst chaos, maybe mostly just showing how unfinished the house is, and has been for years, and sending it to his mom and friends, maybe his brothers too. I’m just nervous if they’d blame me for it and/or how he’d react… He hasn’t told anyone that we broke up years ago, he also hasn’t told anyone that I finally got a job, and I lost contact with them years ago. I’ve only seen his mom recently a few times. But yeah, to everyone I’m basically his freeloading, weird foreign gf. None of them have been to the house in years, and when they did visit the few times years ago, we didn’t show them around.

    I’m trying to take things day by day, tried to get a routine going on. It’s hard when some days I’m too tired or sick to play video games. I’ve been working on a project of mine that I hope to turn into a career, or at least a secondary income, but it is tough. I feel like I’ve let everyone down. Nobody says it, but I’m anxious that people don’t believe me, especially since I don’t really have any proof of that this is happening. I went through years of abuse where people accused me of faking or causing my own panic attacks. I had adults watch over me as I hyperventilated uncontrollably and just… stare at me. I’m so scared the same will happen again.

  • I don’t know where to get help anymore. I’ve been running around, for years, trying to get help, and there just isn’t anything that can be done. I was without income for years, because my ex, who apparently is not financially responsible for me, earned too much money and so made me ineligible for financial assistance. If I wouldn’t have gotten the job, I’d currently be in debt over health care costs. And if my ex would have decided he didn’t want to feed me anymore, I would have had to decide between starving or living on the streets. Shelters kick you out during the day, so idk what I’d do during the day when I can barely stand up as it is. Right now, staying here seems the safest option, even if it means having to put up with this. But I can’t put up with this… there’s just no help

  • I have, multiple times, but he refuses to listen. I asked him if it’s safe upstairs for the cats, if there’s exposed blades or if the cats could knock something down. In the end he said the kitten would have to get hurt before he’d do anything to make the house more cat proof. And this is after the kitten already got tangled a bit in a cord… I don’t really have anyone to talk to. I go to therapy once a month and see a social worker once a week, but neither is really able to help in a more concrete way, like getting the fuck out of this house. Both are trying, but it’s not like they can really do much. The housing in this country is a mess, and I don’t think it’s going to be solved. There are like 300 000 homes needed.

  • Same. Dating apps are hell and I’m way too introverted to go out and meet people. Been trying to put myself out there, got a job (everyone is either too young, couple are too old, and they’re already in a relationship anyway), I go to work events (last time a massive party where most people were from outside the company), but nah, still too scared to approach anyone and I guess I look unapproachable myself. Also the country I live in isn’t exactly the type where people would just chat to randos. So yeah… more cats it is, I guess…